Playing-card Societies
Last modified : 28 Sep 2017
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Entries for these societies follow:
- Australia, Australian Playing Card Collectors' Society
- Australia, Melbourne Playing Card Collectors
- Austria, Talon
- Belgium, Turnhout Wereldcentrum van de Speelkaart
- Czech Republic, Club Sběratelů Hracích Karet
- Denmark, Spilkammeret
- England, English Playing Card Society
- England, International Playing-Card Society
- France, ACCART
- Germany, Bube Dame König
- Russia, RPCS
- Spain, Asescoin
- Sweden, Chartophilia Sueciae
- Switzerland, Cartophilia Helvetica
- USA, 52 Plus Joker
- USA, Chicago Playing Card Collectors
52 Plus Joker
- Publications:
- "Clear the Decks"
- Frequency:
- quarterly
- Language:
- All publications are in English
- Society aims:
- 52 Plus Joker was formed to cater to the interests of American antique deck collectors. Its purpose is sharing information and stimulating interest in the collecting of playing cards and related items. As many of our members have playing card interests which go far beyond this narrow range, we hope to appeal to all interests by not restricting the activities of the Club to American decks.
- Activities:
- Publishes bulletin, publishes membership roster, holds annual convention, holds postal auctions.
- Contact:
Janice Miller (Secretary/Treasurer)
670 Carlton Drive
Elgin IL 60120-4008
U.S.A. - Tel:
- +1-(847) 697 - 5819
- Email:
- Web:
Accart (Association des Collectionneurs de CARtes et Tarots)
- Publications:
- L'As de Trèfle
- Frequency:
- 3 or 4 times a year
- Language:
- French
- Society aims:
- Focused on French playing-cards and tarots, founded 1978.
- Activities:
- Meets occasionally, generally in Paris, and offers visits to great public collections. Holds an annual Trading Fair, "La Bourse d'échange de l'As de Trèfle", generally on the last Sunday of March.
- Contact:
Pascal Pette (President)
16 rue Auguste-Gervais
F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
FRANCE - Email:
- Web:
- Publications:
- "La Sota"
- Frequency:
- six-monthly for "La Sota", bi-monthly for "Circular"
- Language:
- All publications are in Spanish
- Society aims:
- Focused on Spanish playing-cards.
- Activities:
- Publishes bulletin and annual pack of cards in limited edition for distribution to members. Holds annual meeting for trading.
- Contact:
Francisco Gomez Marin (Hon. Secretary)
Apartado de Correos 269
28920 Alcorcon
SPAIN - Email:
Australian Playing Card Collectors' Society (APCCS)

- Publications:
- Newsletter
- Frequency:
- Quarterly
- Language:
- English
- Society aims:
- For members to choose to collect singles, combinations, themes, in fact whatever they like to for their own collections, the club encourages members to enjoy the hobby they have embraced, in whatever direction they so choose, and have fun. The club was formed in 1980 by Jill Sommers and Lois Stebbing. President: Loretta Jacobe, Vice President Jeanne Rackstraw.
- Activities:
- We hold 8–10 meetings a year and 4 Card Fairs, which are well advertised and are open to the public. We have many thousands of single cards for sale in a wide price range with new cards available at each meeting.
- Contact:
P.O. Box 76
Elsternwick 3185
- +61 3 9444 07111 (Loretta Jacobe, President)
- Email:
- Web:
Bube Dame König
- Publications:
- "Das Blatt"
- Frequency:
- six-monthly
- Language:
- All publications are in German
- Society aims:
- To facilitate exchange of information and undertake studies of theoretical and practical themes. Publishes monographs on playing-card themes
- Activities:
- Publishes "Das Blatt" and membership list. Holds an annual meeting and supports playing-card events in Germany.
- Contact:
Sigmar Radau
Severingstr. 23
D-12351 Berlin
Cartophilia Helvetica
- Publications:
- "Bulletin"
- Frequency:
- quarterly
- Language:
- French, German, some Italian.
- Society aims:
- Acts as focus for researchers and collectors of Swiss cards.
- Activities:
- Publishes bulletin. Holds annual meeting, usually with an exhibition or museum visit as a focus, holds talks on Swiss themes.
- Contact:
Kurt Lehner (Hon. Secretary)
P.O. Box 3037
CH-8202 Schaffhausen
Chartophilia Sueciae, The Swedish Playing Card Society (Svenska spelkortssallskapet)
- Publications:
- "Kartofilen" ("Kortleiken" by the Norwegian Society for playing-card collectors is included)
- Frequency:
- three issues a year
- Language:
- Swedish (a summary in English is enclosed to foreign subscribers)
- Society aims:
- Chartophilia Sueciae wants to spread knowledge about chartophily, the activity of collecting playing-cards and studying the history connected to playing-cards and card-playing. The society further wants to encourage the collecting of playing-cards and to be a forum for Swedish collectors of playing-cards.
- Activities:
- Publishes "Kartofilen" and a membership roster, holds meetings in autumn and spring.
- Contact:
Ali Jerremalm (Hon. Secretary)
Brahusv 7
- +46 706928074
- Email:
Chicago Playing Card Collectors, Inc.

- Publications:
- C.P.C.C. Bulletin
- Frequency:
- quarterly
- Language:
- All publications are in English
- Society aims:
Chicago Playing Card Collectors, Inc. was founded in
1951 as a not-for-profit corporation in the State of
Illinois. The club has 3 objectives:
1. to encourage and promote the hobby of playing card collecting
2. to acquire and disperse knowledge on the subject
3. to foster an interest in this fascinating and educational theme. - Activities:
- We currently (21 Oct 94) have over 350 members world-wide, and we publish a Membership Directory yearly. This directory extends the privilege of trading with members all over the world. In addition, we publish a quarterly CPCC Bulletin (Lib. of Congress # 67-30326). We also have decks, books and catalogs available through the Bulletin and mail auctions which feature cards, decks and literature on the subject of playing cards. General meetings are held in Chicago on the third Sunday of each month (not January, June, July, August or September). Our big card convention is held in September, alternating between Chicago and other cities around the USA. Club meeting and convention activities include card-trading, auctions, talks and exhibits of cards and card-lore. [Ed: note that the CPCC is one of the few societies which has members which trade in single cards as well as decks.]
- Contact:
C.P.C.C. Inc.
c/o Karen Straus
2307 Cooper Road
Atco, NJ 08004
U.S.A. - Web:
English Playing Card Society

- Publications:
- a newsletter
- Frequency:
- 3 per year
- Language:
- All publications are in English
- Society aims:
- The EPCS was formed in 1984 with the purpose of bringing together collectors, researchers, Museums, archivists, libraries, manufacturers and interested persons who wish to increase their knowledge and enjoyment of English playing-cards and card games, their makers and designers.
- Activities:
- Produces a newsletter, Sales Lists and holds postal auctions for members.
- Contact:
Barney Townshend (Hon. Secretary)
Little Paddock,
Charlton Mackrell,
TA11 7BG
Telephone: +44 (0)1458 223812
- Email:
- Web:
The International Playing-Card Society
- Publications:
- "The Playing-Card" (combined journal/newsletter)
- Frequency:
- 4 times a year
- Language:
- Publications are mostly in English, although some articles are written in the major European languages (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish).
- Society aims:
- Founded in 1972 to promote the study and collection of playing-cards and card games worldwide.
- Activities:
- Publishes journal/newsletter, membership list, occasional monographs and pattern sheets of standard cards. Holds annual convention (generally in a European city and in association with another playing-card society) and quarterly meetings in London at which talks are given and the trading/exchange of playing-cards takes place.
- Contact:
John Williamson (Hon. Secretary)
Telephone: +44-(0)7811 442099
- Email:
- Web:
Melbourne Playing Card Collectors Inc.

- Publications:
- Club Newsletter
- Frequency:
- Quarterly
- Language:
- English only
- Society aims:
Founded in 1971, it was originally formed as a chapter of the Chicago playing card club. This society
- promotes the collection of playing cards and associated articles as a hobby.
- promotes social contact between members for the greater enjoyment of their hobby.
- engages in other activities designed to stimulate and maintain interest in the history and hobby of collecting playing cards.
- Activities:
- General meetings on the first weekend of each month (except January) on alternating Saturdays and Sundays. All general meetings are open to the public. Please check our website for further details.
- Contact:
Hilary Oates – President Melbourne Playing card Collectors Inc.
Home: +613 9725 2461
Mobile: + 61 427 871 851
- Publications:
- Occasional thematic publications
- Frequency:
- Irregularly
- Language:
- Russian
- Society aims:
- The Russian Playing Card Society (RPCS) since 2015 joins collectors of playing cards in Russia and abroad.
- Activities:
- Based solely on good intentions, the main purpose of the Society is the Union of all Collectors of playing cards in Russia and abroad, assistance to collectors in the collection and provision of necessary information on this theme. We invite everyone to join our community, we also invite you to mutually beneficial cooperation.
- Contact:
- Tel:
- Website:
- e-mail:
- Publications:
- Occasional thematic publications
- Frequency:
- Irregularly
- Language:
- Czech
- Society aims:
- The Club of Playing-Card Collectors has been working in the Czech Republic since 2011. The Club was not founded only to find a common place to trade collector pieces but it has many other ambitions. One of which is to raise awareness about the art of card making and playing cards as a form of graphic art, which is still evolving. Although the art is extinct it has a 500-year tradition.
- Activities:
- It has many successful projects and publications on its account which importance reaches across national borders. The Club tries to save card games and maintains a database of Czech cards since the time they were first created to the present. Meetings of playing-card collectors and exchange of collector material, organizing various presentations and cultural events with the aim to promote playing cards as an interesting graphical art and cultural witness of its era (especially in the case of historical cards), last but not least to track rare cards in the collections of the members – these are several examples of the activities, that brought the reputation Society has today. Besides discussions that happen during regular meetings and also in informal ones, the Society organized several successful exhibitions, often accompanied by catalogues, and it has presented the card collecting hobby in various magazines, online, on radio and television. Highlight of the Club’s work is the Yearbook published for its members since 2012.
- Contact:
Pod Kavalírkou 304/44
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic - Tel:
- +420 604 687 099
- Website:
- e-mail:
- Publications:
- Occasional thematic publications
- Frequency:
- Irregularly
- Language:
- English
- Society aims:
- The purpose of Spilkammeret is to collect, preserve, register and document divinatory systems, particularly tarot and cartomantic decks of the 20th century and related literature. The owner's attitude to the phenomenon is positive, critical, historical, psychological and artistic.
- Activities:
- During the years 1989-96 a magazine, "Manteia" with articles on mantic themes and reviews of most new tarot- and cartomancy decks and books, was published. All issues are still available, as well as various catalogues and a bibliography. Ask for a leaflet.
- Contact:
K. Frank Jensen
Sankt Hansgade 20
DK-4000 Roskilde
- +45-46-35-18-08
- Fax:
- +45-46-35-20-09
- Publications:
- "Talon"
- Frequency:
- Annual
- Language:
- German
- Society aims:
- Talon is the Austro-Hungarian playing-card society whose aim is to promote knowledge of cards from these countries.
- Activities:
- Publishes "Talon". Holds annual meeting alternating between Austria and Hungary, with a programme of illustrated talks, displays of cards, and trading.
- Contact:
Peter Blaas
Larchetweg 20
A-6414 Mieming
AUSTRIA - Email:
- Publications:
- "Kontaktblad Museum van de Speelkaart"
- Frequency:
- quarterly
- Language:
- Dutch (occasionally in French)
- Society aims:
- Its main interest is the playing-cards and manufacturers from Turnhout and the Low Countries. It publishes information for collectors and others and promotes the museum at Turnhout.
- Activities:
- Annual convention, publications, sponsoring of the museum at Turnhout and its activities (exhibitions, etc.).
- Contact:
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart
Druivenstraat 18
B-2300 Turnhout
- +32-(0)14-41-56-21
Российское Карточное Общество

Club Sběratelů Hracích Karet