Index of - The Playing-card - by Subject

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

48-card packs in Italy. (Dummett) 33/1/24-26.

Aces, Dutch scenic. (Muller) 38/3/152-190.

Advertising deck, Taking the "waters of Ambert" too literally: a very early. (Hayter) XXVIII/2/82-83.

Afterlife, Playing cards for the (Pwee) 32/2/50-51.

AGM AGMüller: 175 years of playing card manufacture (Ruh and Rüegg) 32/3/105-115.

Agram, News from Austria's past (1): playing-card makers in . (Altfahrt) 43/1/10-18.

Alessandro Sforza Tarot, New insights into the. (Maggio) 44/4/256-268.

Alessandro Sforza Tarot, The Stag Rider from the so-called "Tarot of Alessandro Sforza" at the Museo Civico di Castello Ursino of Catania. (Maggio) 42/4/221-236.

Alf Cooke Ltd. (Watson) 32/3/92-93.

Alf Cooke Ltd: printer and playing-card maker (Goodall ) 31/4/157-170.

All Fours, From begging to pitching (More notes on All Fours). (Williamson) Playing the Game 41/3/201-205.

All Fours, Tournament reports: All Fours and Skat. (McLeod) Playing the Game 32/3/98-100.

All Fours and its descendants (McLeod) Playing the Game XXIX/5/181-184.

Altenburg, News from (Berry) XXVI/4/146-147.

Aluette (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/3/212-215.

Amaturufu and ibigurasha, The Rawandan appropriation of a Portuguese game. (de Voogt) 41/4/254-259.

American court cards, Criterial characteristics and the development of from 1820-60. (Bostock and Lodge) 41/1/25-40.

American court cards, More English influences on major US court designs. (Lodge) 41/3/184-192.

American Indian playing cards, Recognizing a nineteenth-century Apache playing card artist: The Tonto naipero. (Ferg, Wayland and Wayland) 36/2/100-120.

American Indian playing cards of French and English derivation. (Wayland, Wayland, and Ferg) 33/3/166-190.

Animal tarot, French suited tarot packs in Denmark and the Jacob Holmblad animal tarot. (Jensen) 36/3/180-189.

Apache playing cards, Recognizing a nineteenth-century Apache playing card artist: The Tonto naipero. (Ferg, Wayland and Wayland) 36/2/100-120.

Argentina, Comment on Argentinean tax stamps. (Endebrock) 33/4/226-227.

Argentina, Taxes on playing-cards in (Akerman) 33/2/81-88.

Argentinian playing-cards: Part 1, art and politics (Wintle and Peña) XXIX/5/187-199.

Argentinian playing-cards: Part 2, gaucho and other cards (Wintle ) 30/3/101-112.

Arienti, Vito - Honorary Fellow of the I.P.C.S. (Milano) 33/1/14-15.

Array rummy game. (Cardellicchio and Horn) 36/4/299-303.

Art and cards. (Muller) XXVII/6/231-232.

Arts on Cards - Part one: portraits. (van Diggele) 45/1/12-15.

Arts on Cards - Part three: animals (I). (van Diggele) 45/3/173-175.

Arts on Cards - Part two: landscapes. (van Diggele) 45/2/100-103.

ASESCOIN Convention - Seville 2005. (De Ryck) 34/2/99.

Aspects of Self playing-cards. (Clays) 37/4/224-225.

Atger-Ravel, Marie-Claude (1929-2015), obituary. (Depaulis) 44/3/152.

Australia, An early mention of playing-cards in (Cooper) 30/5/201.

Australia, Collecting Australian playing-cards. (Thomas ) 35/1/20-26.

Australia, Hudson Industries - an Australian playing card maker. (Hudson) 42/4/215-216.

Austria, News from Austria's past (1): playing-card makers in Agram. (Altfahrt) 43/1/10-18.

Austria, News from Austria's past (2): Aloys Hofmann, a Viennese cardmaker. (Altfahrt) 43/3/150-160.

Austria, News from Austria's past (3): Constantin Kaulitzy, a cardmaker in Neusatz. (Altfahrt) 43/4/239-241.

Austria, News from Austria's past (4): the playing-card maker Carl Hofer (Hoffer). (Altfahrt) 44/1/53-60.

Austria, News from Austria's past (5): makers of playing-cards in Cheb/Eger (Bohemia). Part 1: 16th-17th centuries. (Altfahrt) 44/3/188-200.

Austria, News from Austria's past (6): a strange Austrian tarot. (Altfahrt) 44/4/275-283.

Austria, News from Austria's past (7): makers of playing-cards in Cheb/Eger (Bohemia). Part 2: 18th-19th centuries. (Altfahrt) 45/1/35-58.

Austria, News from Austria's past (8): the playing card factory C. Titze & Schinkay in Vienna. (Altfahrt) 45/3/142-160.

Austrian calling games. (McLeod) Playing the Game 41/4/235-238.

Avignon, Origin of tarots - the Avignon hypothesis. (Verame) 44/1/43-47.

Avril et Cie, An unusual find. (Depaulis) 45/3/171-172.

Avril et Cie, An unusual find. (Thomas) 45/2/105-106.

Avril et Cie, An unusual find. (Ollis) 45/3/171.

B. Dondorf, A Lisbon find. (Somerville) 44/4/272-274.

B. Dondorf, Why do we have labels and what do they tell us?: the case of Dondorf's Birma-Karte. (Lodge) 45/2/82-84.

Backs, playing-card, A sequel to Max Ruh's "Playing-card backs." (Depaulis) 36/4/289-290.

Backs, playing-card, Back to card backs: Rosart's tarotées. (Depaulis) 37/3/159-161.

Backs, playing-card, Illustrated backs of cards made in Milan. (Crippa) 42/2/83-91.

Backs, playing-card, Winning hearts and minds: the theory behind the playing-card backs designed by Owen Jones. (Flores) 39/4/219-225.

Backs, Playing-card. (Ruh) 36/1/22-29.

Bamford - an elusive playing card maker. (Goodall) 41/2/90-91.

Baśka and Kop, Minimal card games. (McLeod) Playing the Game 42/1/19-21.

Bassette-cards, From Italy to France and back again: some observations on. (Haas) 44/1/38-42.

Bavaria, A playing-card discovery in Schongau (Hausler) 33/4/269-275.

Bavaria, From Schongau to Saint Petersburg: Bavarian playing-card patterns and their relatives. (Hausler) 35/2/96-110.

BDK/Talon meeting 1998. (Endebrock) XXVII/1/3-4.

BDK/Talon meeting 2000. (Endebrock) XXIX/1/8-9.

BDK/Talon meeting 2001. (Endebrock) 30/1/12-13.

BDK/Talon meeting 2002. (Endebrock) 31/1/8-9.

BDK/Talon meeting 2003. (Endebrock) 32/2/45-46.

BDK/Talon meeting 2004. (Endebrock) 33/1/16.

BDK/Talon meeting 2005. (Endebrock) 34/1/7-8.

BDK/Talon meeting 2006. (Endebrock) 35/1/19.

BDK/Talon meeting 2007. (Endebrock) 35/4/220-221.

Beal, George 14.10.1918-27.7.2013, obituary. (Beal) 42/3/142-143.

Beal, George: an appreciation (Rayner ) XXVII/2/39.

Beale, Anthony, obituary. (Beale) 40/2/74.

Beating off the attack (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVI/4/116-118.

Beer steins. (Lubliner) 41/3/198-200.

Belgian mystery pack. (Cooper) XXVIII/2/62-63.

Belgian mystery pack. (De Cock) XXVII/6/227.

Belgian mystery pack. (Feindura) XXVIII/3/110.

Belgium, The Benelux games of trumps (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/2/91-95.

Bermuda, Playing cards in (Thorpe ) XXVII/5/194-200.

Berry, John, 1929-2004: an appreciation. (Rayner ) 32/6/223-224.

Berry, John, I.P.C.S. Honorary Fellow. (Rayner) 31/2/55-56.

Bhavnagar State historical cards: new finds. (Rettberg) 36/2/123-128.

Bibliothèque nationale de France, A presentation of the Gallica database (the BnF's digital library) and its playing-card contents. (Depaulis) 44/1/17-26.

Bid Whist (Thomas ) XXIX/6/221-228.

Big Three and Fight the Landlord, Chinese games. (McLeod) Playing the Game 35/4/262-265.

Black Cat cigarette playing-cards. (Neilson) XXVII/5/178-179.

Blackjack, Dawson's game: blackjack and the Klondike. (Depaulis) 38/4/238-244.

Black Kings in Greenland and Black Maria in Finland (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVII/1/14-15.

Black Maria in Finland, Black Kings in Greenland and (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVII/1/14-15.

Black Peter - a brigand? The development of the Black Peter game. (Thiel) 36/4/254-273.

Bohemia, News from Austria's past (5): makers of playing-cards in Cheb/Eger (Bohemia). Part 1: 16th-17th centuries. (Altfahrt) 44/3/188-200.

Bohemia, News from Austria's past (7): makers of playing-cards in Cheb/Eger (Bohemia). Part 2: 18th-19th centuries. (Altfahrt) 45/1/35-58.

Bolognese Tarocchino : due nuovi manoscritti scoperti e alcune osservazioni-Parte 1. (Cuppi) 30/2/79-88.

Bolognese Tarocchino : due nuovi manoscritti scoperti e alcune osservazioni-Parte 2. (Cuppi) 30/4/186-192.

Bony, une fabrique de cartes à jouer et papiers peints à Lunéville (1836-1941) (Beuchet ) XXVIII/4/198-201.

Book plates, Playing-cards on (Rijswijk ) XXIX/5/200-203.

Bordeaux, Early cards of (Dawson ) 35/3/154-174.

Borveau, Alain (1933-2002), obituary. (Depaulis) 31/4/142-143.

Bossi, Vanni, obituary. (Milano) 37/4/206.

Braun, Franz 14 April 1923-27 September 2016, obituary. (Schlede) 45/2/70.

Brazil, Playing-cards in - an introduction (Pagliari ) 30/6/247-260.

Brazil, Vintage movie star playing cards from. (Stolzenburg) 43/4/197-201.

Brelan in Belgium - the game of Peeën. (McLeod) Playing the Game 32/6/255-258.

Bridge, First steps of in the west: Collinson's "Biritch." (Depaulis and Fuchs) 32/2/67-76.

Bridge, The return of to its homeland (Pratesi ) XXVIII/1/34-39.

British Museum, Milanese playing card drawings in the. (Crippa) 41/3/170-183.

Brûte, La marque dans la famille des jeux hollandais de bel-bruyten. (Dewart) 39/2/103-115.

Bubble cards and prints (Berry ) XXVII/3/105-110.

Bubble cards and prints (Berry) XXVII/5/185.

Buenos Aires, Ernesto Flaiban: playing-card manufacturer of (1936-70) (Wintle and Flaiban ) 30/6/268-277.

Bumblepuppy. (Endebrock) 41/3/163.

Bumblepuppy. (McLeod) 41/4/226.

C. Titze & Schinkay, News from Austria's past (8): the playing card factory C. Titze & Schinkay in Vienna. (Altfahrt) 45/3/142-160.

Canada, Bicycle playing-cards in. (Goodall) XXVIII/2/65-66.

Canada, Kaiser, Joffre and the Lost Heir. (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/1/68-72.

Canada, Playing-cards of Canada (Dawson ) 30/1/19-32.

Canasta relatives - games with feet (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/2/140-143.

Cardmakers in Jindřichův Hradec (Czech Republic), formerly Neuhaus (Bohemia). (Depaulis) 39/3/134-135.

Card marking. (New York Times) 37/1/68-72.

Carl Schaller, Oppenheimer & Sulzbacher, and Vereinigte Kunstanstalten Senkeisen (vSk) . (Thiel) 42/2/121-129.

Carta Mundi's Millenium mystery. (Graefrath) XXIX/4/142.

Carta Mundi's Millenium mystery. (Hopewell ) XXIX/4/142.

Carta Mundi's Millenium mystery. (Muller) XXVIII/6/268-269.

Carta Mundi. (Wintle) 33/1/4-6.

Cartographic and map playing cards 1590-1798. (Beresiner) 38/2/119-131.

Cartomancy, Tarot cartomancy in Bologna. (Dummett) 32/2/79-88.

Cartophilia Helvetica, Twenty years of (Ruh ) XXVI/4/140.

Casa Rella frescoes, The Trumps on the (Fiorito ) XXVI/4/121-125.

Casino, Swazi Casino (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVIII/5/258-261.

Cass, Eddie (1937-2014), obituary. (Temperley) 43/2/62-63.

Cataloguing and storage and of playing-cards. (Porter) 37/1/52-54.

Catalonia, The playing card in Perpignan, from the 14th to the 19th century. (Garrigue) 41/2/133-137.

Catholic Church, Roomse constitutie kaarten - fallible for loosers, infallible for winners… (Maitland) 37/4/250-269.

Chad, Chamundeshwari. (Gordhandas) 38/4/257-263.

Chamundeshwari Chad. (Gordhandas) 38/4/257-263.

Chariot card, A mi-chemin Venise et Florence: le Chariot ferrarais du Musée français de la carte à jouer. (Poncet) 41/4/227-234.

Charles Goodall & Son, Goodall's Royal Masonic Playing Cards: a very rare pack. (Goodall) 33/1/47-49.

Cheb/Eger (Bohemia), News from Austria's past (5): makers of playing-cards in. Part 1: 16th-17th centuries. (Altfahrt) 44/3/188-200.

Cheb/Eger (Bohemia), News from Austria's past (5): makers of playing-cards in. Part 1: 16th-17th centuries. (Altfahrt) 44/3/188-200.

Cheb/Eger (Bohemia), News from Austria's past (7): makers of playing-cards in. Part 2: 18th-19th centuries. (Altfahrt) 45/1/35-58.

Chess, Playing cards and. (Beasley) Playing the Game 40/2/96-103.

Chicago World's Fair, Playing-cards of the 1893 (Thorpe ) 30/6/265-267.

Chiki cards and three Chiki games. (Pwee) 32/3/119-128.

China, A new card design from (Chen ) XXVIII/2/90-95.

China, Collecting playing-cards in. (Tao) 38/4/249-256.

Chinese card players, 19th century images of. (Darbyshire) 30/3/143-144.

Chinese character cards, Modern . (Hopewell) 31/6/273-277.

Chinese money-suited cards. (Berry) 31/5/230-236.

Chinese Patience - the game whose rules are deemed never to be published. (Manston) Playing the Game 41/2/124-125.

Chinese playing cards. (Porter) 41/1/44-45.

Chitarrella, La prima edizione di (Pratesi ) XXVII/4/166-172.

Chitrashala Press, Cards of the - Part 2, corrections. (Cooper) 30/5/194.

Chitrashala Press, Cards of the - Part 2. (Gordhandas ) 30/4/166-172.

Chitrashala Press, Playing-cards of the - Part 1 (Gordhandas ) 30/3/132-138.

Church, Some remarks on the relationship between church and card game (Part 2). (Köger) 35/4/226-236.

Church, Some remarks on the relationship between church and card game. (Köger) 35/3/175-189.

Cleaning playing cards. (Cooper) 35/4/212.

Cleaning playing cards. (Endebrock) 35/4/213-214.

Cleaning playing cards. (Ollis) 35/4/212-213.

Climbing games, Chinese games, Big Three and Fight the Landlord. (McLeod) Playing the Game 35/4/262-265.

Climbing games, Climbing and throwing eggs. (McLeod) Playing the Game 43/3/132-135.

Collett, Lorna 1922-2006: a Founder Member of the I.P.C.S. (Cooper) 34/4/229.

Collett, Maurice. (Cooper) 42/4/204.

Collett, Maurice: 80 glorious years. (Cass) 31/5/192-194.

Compendium games. (McLeod) Playing the Game 36/1/67-72.

Computer images of playing-cards. (Pál Nagy) 30/6/261-264.

Conjuring, Fancy conjuring playing cards: a new collecting fashion? (Décourt) 40/4/244-251.

Conrad Jäger, Proschwitz. (Šedivý) 43/1/19-21.

Containers, Playing card. (Lubliner) 40/3/176-178.

Cooper, Michael , a tribute. (Depaulis) 35/1/4.

Cosmological tarot hypothesis - virtue triumphant: the seven virtues v. the seven mortal sins. (Park) 31/3/127-133.

Costume, Royal finery on playing cards. (Goshawk) 41/3/193-197.

Couillon, The Benelux games of trumps (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/2/91-95.

Counters, Du piquet au whist: les marqueurs de jeu de cartes entre France et Grande-Bretagne. (Depaulis) 36/2/129-143.

Counters, Tokens for Whist. Part II: from simple to quadruple. (Depaulis) 39/4/199-217.

Court cards, American, Criterial characteristics and the development of from 1820-60. (Bostock and Lodge) 41/1/25-40.

Court cards, American, More English influences on major US court designs. (Lodge) 41/3/184-192.

Court cards, Court figures in pre-standardized France. (Lodge) 39/2/118-121.

Court cards, Early French court figures and the regional portraits (continued). (Lodge) 44/4/284-294.

Court cards, Early French court figures and the regional portraits (In memory of Sylvia Mann). (Lodge) 44/2/101-129.

Cracow playing-card manufacturers in modern times (Kleczek ) XXIX/1/38-42.

Creswick, Thomas, cotton in playing cards. (Cooper) XXIX/2/47.

Creswick, Thomas, The fall and rise of Thomas Woolley & the decline and fall of Creswick. (Lodge) 44/1/48-52.

Cuajo: a Chinese game with Spanish cards (McLeod) Playing the Game XXIX/4/256-259.

Cuccù, A note on the history of. (Kuromiya) 39/4/232-233.

Cucumber, Varieties of. (McLeod) Playing the Game 42/4/217-220.

Cuming Museum, A return visit to the. (Bostock and Lodge) 40/4/240-243.

Cuming Museum, Playing-cards of the: English pattern cards and artefacts. (Goodall, Gosling, Bonnick) 31/6/253-261.

Cuming Museum. (Lodge) 32/2/44.

Cups/*tuman problem (O'Donovan) XXIX/4/158-162.

Currency, playing-cards used as. (van Diggele) 43/1/34-41.

Currency, playing-cards used as. (van Diggele) 43/2/82-86.

Czech double-ended pattern. (Šedivý) 45/2/85-93.

Czech Lands, An introduction to playing-cards from the (Šťáhlavsky ) XXIX/2/65-69.

Czech nationalistic pack, A 19th century Czech nationalistic pack by Emanuel Neumann. (Šťáhlavsky) 32/6/262-265.

Czech nationalistic pack, A Czech Hussite pack for the 1895 Ethnographical Exhibition in Prague. (Šťáhlavsky) 34/4/249-258.

Czech National Revival pack c. 1890 engraved by Karel Hoffmann. (Šťáhlavsky) 34/2/111-123.

Czechoslovakia, Playing-card tax stamps from (Šedivý) 35/2/115-120.

Dai Fugô. (Kuromiya) Playing the Game 37/3/197-199.

Danish playing cards, Royalty on (Jensen ) 32/1/24-32.

Dasamahavidyas - the ten Mahavidyas. (Gordhandas) 37/4/231-238.

Dasavatara ganjifa, The extended dasavatara packs of Orissa. (Hopewell) 31/2/69-78.

Dasavatartas, Five-player Dasavatartas from West Bengal. (McLeod) Playing the Game 36/3/218-226.

Dating playing cards and its associated problems. (Lodge) 44/2/89.

Dating playing cards and its associated problems. (Lodge) 43/4/205-206.

Davies, Barry, obituary. (Goodall) 40/4/216-217.

Dawson, Thomas Commerford January 26, 1937-March 22, 2016, obituary. (Hawes) 44/4/232.

De Cock, Ivo passed away. (Cremers) 45/1/7.

De La Rue & Co. London and Paris decks (Cooper) 34/1/65-67.

De La Rue's first playing cards (Berry ) XXVIII/3/120-136.

De La Rue's first playing cards (Berry) XXVIII/4/165.

De La Rue's first playing cards (Berry) XXIX/1/4-5.

De La Rue's sticky business in Surrey. (Goodall ) 31/1/17-19.

De La Rue, Non-standard packs for King Christian X of Denmark (Wintle and Jensen) 34/1/62-64.

Del Ponte, Giovanni, and the dating of the Rothschild cards in the Louvre: some further considerations. (Caldwell) 36/1/51-62.

Denmark, French suited tarot packs in Denmark and the Jacob Holmblad animal tarot. (Jensen) 36/3/180-189.

Denmark, Holmblad: the designs and law suits. (Jensen) 31/6/242-243.

Denmark, L. P. Holmblad - Danish playing card maker: the tarok packs. (Hinrup) 31/5/202-215.

Denmark, Non-standard De La Rue packs for King Christian X of (Wintle and Jensen) 34/1/62-64.

Denmark, Playing cards in the Danish church. (Hinrup) 40/2/85-92.

Denmark, The Holmblad playing card patterns. (Hinrup) 33/4/247-262.

Denning, Trevor, obituary. (Temperley) 38/2/70-72.

Desert island decks. (Darbyshire) 39/3/154-158.

Deutsche Spielkarten-Fabrik Walter Scharff K.G. (Haas) 42/1/44-64.

Dietrich, Margot, obituary. () 35/2/78.

Dieudonné Museum, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg. (Eischen and Welter) XXVIII/4/202-205.

Dieudonné Museum, Grevenmacher, Luxembourg. (Rayner) XXVIII/5/213.

Divination, The devil and the two of hearts. (Caldwell) 37/2/126-141.

Dobbm,Stubai Valley Droggn and Dobbm - two living fossils of the Austrian card game landscape. Part I (McLeod and Geiser ) XXVII/6/269-276.

Dobbm, Stubai Valley Droggn and Dobbm - two living fossils of the Austrian card game landscape. Part II (McLeod and Geiser ) XXVIII/1/40-49.

Dobbm, Stubai Valley Droggn and Dobbm - two living fossils of the Austrian card game landscape. Part III (McLeod and Geiser) XXVIII/2/96-100.

Domino cards. (Taylor) 38/4/229-231.

Domino cards. (Taylor) 38/3/191-202.

Dondorf, B., A Lisbon find. (Somerville) 44/4/272-274.

Dondorf, B., in London. (Berry) XXIX/5/176-177.

Dondorf, B., Why do we have labels and what do they tell us?: the case of Dondorf's Birma-Karte. (Lodge) 45/2/82-84.

Donut, Hucklebuck & Schnellen. (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/4/288-292.

Dossena, Giampaolo, obituary. (Milano) 37/4/206.

Double Bohemian cards - a nearly unknown standard. (Šedivý) 45/2/85-93.

Dragon cards, Early dragons. (Maggio) 45/3/131-141.

Dragon pattern, Maltese dragon cards. (Denning and Schirò) 30/1/33-42.

Droggn, Stubai Valley Droggn and Dobbm - two living fossils of the Austrian card game landscape. Part I (McLeod and Geiser ) XXVII/6/269-276.

Droggn, Stubai Valley Droggn and Dobbm - two living fossils of the Austrian card game landscape. Part II (McLeod and Geiser ) XXVIII/1/40-49.

Droggn, Stubai Valley Droggn and Dobbm - two living fossils of the Austrian card game landscape. Part III (McLeod and Geiser) XXVIII/2/96-100.

Dummett, Prof. Sir Michael (27 June 1925-27 December 2011), obituary. (Depaulis and McLeod) 40/3/144-148.

Duplicate Whist playing card holders, Nineteenth century . (Laderman) 43/3/161-172.

Dutch historical pack 1788. (Darbyshire) 41/1/47-49.

Dutch historical pack 1788. (Rijnen) 41/2/89-90.

Dutch scenic aces. (Burton) 38/4/228-229.

Dutuit Collection, Hidden treasures in the Musée du Petit Palais, Paris. (Depaulis) 45/3/176-182.

eBay, The pros and cons of. (Thomas) 45/1/23-24.

Eberhard, Balz, In remembrance of (Ruh ) 31/1/4.

England, Early references to playing-cards in (Depaulis) 41/3/165-169.

English Joker, The origin of the first English Joker: an Anglo-American partnership. (Goodall ) XXIX/6/244-246.

English pattern, A kind of answer to Ken Lodge. (Haas) 41/4/251-253.

English pattern, A response to Walter Haas. (Lodge) 41/2/126-132.

English pattern, On the origin of styles: taxonomy and the evolution of the (Décourt) 32/6/230-243.

English pattern. (Sings) 37/3/155-156.

English pattern cards and artefacts, Playing-cards of the Cuming Museum (Goodall, Gosling, Bonnick) 31/6/253-261.

English playing-cards, Whitaker, Steer, Willis & Perry: a tale of suit signs and number cards. (Lodge) 43/2/92-94.

Ephemera, Playing-card (Getz ) XXVII/3/92-95.

Estonia, Playing cards of (Mētra ) 32/4/168-169.

Euchre, The origins of (Parlett) 35/4/255-261.

Europe, The 14th century and the introduction of playing cards into. (Dummett) 34/4/226.

Europe, The 14th century and the introduction of playing cards into. (Janssen) 34/3/173-180.

Europe, The 14th century and the introduction of playing cards into. (Janssen) 34/4/226-227.

European cards, Realism in (Lodge ) XLII/2/97-100.

European patterns, Playing-cards of the Cuming Museum (Goodall, Gosling, Bonnick) 32/2/59-66.

Exploring the boundaries (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVIII/4/194-197.

Extra Casual Cards, Extra Zwanglose Karte (Weberpals) XXVIII/5/241-255.

Faro, The game of (Lubliner ) XXVI/6/228-232.

Feindura, Helmut 3 March 1940 - 5 October 2016, obituary. (Schlede) 45/2/71.

Fennell series of Irish Heroic & Historic playing cards. (Goodall) 37/3/169-175.

Ferrara, Italy, Imprimait-on des cartes à jouer à Ferrare en 1436? (Depaulis) 40/4/252-256.

Field, Albert "Cap" collection. (Endebrock) 37/3/154-155.

Field, Albert "Cap" collection. (Endebrock) 37/4/213-215.

Field, Albert, obituary. (Collett) 32/3/94.

Fifteenth-century Italian cards, Two. (Depaulis) 38/4/264-270.

Fight the Landlord and Big Three, Chinese games. (McLeod) Playing the Game 35/4/262-265.

Fishing, Notes on (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVI/6/204-206.

Fishing in 18th-century Yorkshire. (McLeod) Playing the Game 45/3/183-185.

Flaiban, Ernesto : playing-card manufacturer of Buenos Aires (1936-70) (Wintle and Flaiban ) 30/6/268-277.

Florence, 1377: Firenze - condanne ai giocatori di naibi. (Pratesi) 44/3/156-163.

Florence, 1499-1506: Firenze - nuove informazioni sulle carte fiorentine. (Pratesi) 44/1/61-71.

Florentine Republic, I primi giochi di carte nella repubblica fiorentina. (Pratesi) 40/3/179-197.

Flower oracle cards, An enigmatic betrothal on Lucas van Leyden's painting The Card Reader. (Nagel) 33/2/96-108.

Flower oracle cards, Back to the roots of a modern flower oracle deck: Mlle Le Normand and J. J. Grandville. (Nagel) 32/4/142-152.

Flower quartet games, German (Krumbein) 30/2/69-78.

Forgery, Fake English cards. (Lodge) 44/4/239.

Forgery, Fake English cards. (Ollis) 40/4/215.

Forgery, Fake English cards and a note on Ludlow's Knights aces. (Lodge) 40/3/170-175.

Forgery, The Wheelers: a family of card makers and card forgers? (Cooper) 31/1/20-33.

Forgery of the Ace of Spades, A severe penalty for (Beresiner) 34/1/51.

Fortune-telling, Tarot cartomancy in Bologna. (Dummett) 32/2/79-88.

Fouquet, Jean, Three centuries of playing-cards in the Netherlands 1600-1900. (Rijnen) 37/4/239-249.

Fournier's giant pack at Guildhall Library. (Tregear) XXVIII/3/105.

Fournier, Heraclio : notes on the manufacture of playing-cards. (Agudo Ruiz) 31/3/113-124.

France (liner), A pack by Grimaud for the (Cooper) 34/2/137-139.

France, "Trionfi alla franciosa finite e non finiti" - le tarot en France avant 1500. (Depaulis) 44/3/201-209.

Franks, Sir Augustus Wollaston (Thorpe ) 33/4/231.

French-suited playing-cards before 1800, The manufacturing process of (Cooper) XXVIII/2/80-81.

French court cards, Court figures in pre-standardized France. (Lodge) 39/2/118-121.

French court cards, Early French court figures and the regional portraits (continued). (Lodge) 44/4/284-294.

French court cards, Early French court figures and the regional portraits (In memory of Sylvia Mann). (Lodge) 44/2/101-129.

French suited 60-card decks. (Burton) XXVIII/2/63-64.

French suits and English names. (Berry) XXVIII/2/84-89.

Gagg, Johannes, Swiss-suited pack. (Brum-Antonioli) 41/1/41.

Gallica database (the BnF's digital library) and its playing-card contents, A presentation of the. (Depaulis) 44/1/17-26.

Gambling, Le prince à la table de jeu. (Reynaud) 35/4/266-274.

Gambling in Malta under the Order of St. John (Bonello) 34/2/124-136.

Games and Print Services Ltd. (Wintle) 33/1/4-6.

Gaming history, Crouds in the streets, meetings at the tables: two faces of Venetian 18th century gaming. (Nadin) 36/4/243-253.

Ganjapa, Komi and Nakash - two gambling games of Orissa. (Hopewell) 35/1/67-68.

Ganjifa, A 19th century hand-painted French-suited pack from Oglewadi. (Hopewell ) 33/2/63.

Ganjifa, A 19th century hand-painted French-suited pack from Oglewadi. (Gordhandas) 32/5/182-184.

Ganjifa, An early 20th century pack of French suited cards by Narayan Ramachandra Kelkar. (Gordhandas) 34/1/19-20.

Ganjifa, A nineteenth century Kurnol Dashavatara Ganjifa pack. (Gordhandas) XXVIII/6/284-287, 294.

Ganjifa, Cards of the Chitrashala Press - Part 2. (Gordhandas ) 30/4/166-172.

Ganjifa, Dasamahavidyas - the ten Mahavidyas. (Gordhandas) 37/4/231-238.

Ganjifa, Five-player Dasavatartas from West Bengal. (McLeod) Playing the Game 36/3/218-226.

Ganjifa, General rules for playing a four-handed Moghul Ganjifa card game with 96 cards. (Gordhandas) 31/2/79-80.

Ganjifa, Twelve-suited 144 cards Gul aur Bulbul Ganjifa. (Gordhandas) 39/3/148-153.

Ganjifa - an attempt at the etymology. (Zimmermann) 30/2/51.

Ganjifa cards. (Gordhandas) 37/3/156-157.

Gardiner, Mary. (Hayter) 31/2/56.

Gerich, Karl (1956-2016), obituary. (Tregear and Tregear) 44/4/228-230.

German colonies, A journey to the. (Thiel) 41/1/4-17.

Germany, Playing-card manufacture in the 1880s. (Cooper) XXVIII/2/66-67.

Germany, When (and how) did tarot reach? (Depaulis) 39/2/64-79.

Germini. (Renzoni) 41/2/85-87.

Getaway: the Punjabi inflation game (McLeod) Playing the Game 42/2/92-95.

Getaway: the Punjabi inflation game. (McLeod) Playing the Game 42/2/92-95.

Glossary, A 19th century glossary of playing-card terms (Goodall ) XXIX/4/149-152.

Glossary, A 19th century glossary of playing-card terms (Bruch) XXIX/6/219-220.

Gnav in Germany. (Kuromiya) Playing the Game 43/4/237-238.

Golden Patience - a new pack of cards from Moehsnang. (Eberhard) XXVIII/3/154-156.

Golf (McLeod) Playing the Game 32/2/77-78.

Goodall, Shirley. (Cooper) 33/1/15.

Gordhandas, Kishor, obituary (P.K. Gordhandas) 39/1/2.

Gordhandas, Kishor, obituary. (Endebrock) 39/1/2

Goslar, Playing-cards from Goslar (Endebrock ) XXVIII/6/302-311.

Grandville, J. J., Back to the roots of a modern flower oracle deck: Mlle Le Normand and J. J. Grandville. (Nagel) 32/4/142-152.

Grazer Tarock. (Hopewell ) XXIX/2/47.

Grazer Tarock. (McLeod) XXIX/2/47-48.

Great Columbia, A pack of cards from. (Hausler) 40/4/214-215.

Great Exhibition in London, 1851, Playing cards and the (Thorpe ) 33/3/161-164.

Grevjass, a modern Faroese pointer to the Jass of Czar Peter I. (Smith) XXVIII/6/312-315.

Grimaud, B. P., A pack by Grimaud for the liner France. (Cooper) 34/2/137-139.

Grini concentration camp, Norway, Facsimile of a prisoner's hand-made cards from the (Nordheim ) XXVIII/4/206-208.

Grosstarock, The Tarock of the Skat inventors, Part I: Grosstarock redefined. (Martin) 44/2/134-147.

Guritipau, Iberian Triumphs worldwide. (Depaulis) Playing the Game 38/2/134-137.

Gurr, Adrienne 1923-2016, obituary. (Rayner) 45/3/122.

Haddon Hall, A fascinating find at. (Lodge) 43/1/30-31.

Hainaut, Die "quarten" aus dem (Eiff) 34/4/246-248.

Haleber, Bob , In memorium. (van Diggele) 38/3/142.

Hanabi, Reversed card fireworks. (McLeod) Playing the Game 42/3/160-162.

Happy family games, The catalog of happy family games. Part one and Part two (Gardiner and Hayter ) XXVIII/5/228-229.

Happy family games, The catalog of happy family games. Promotional packs (Gardiner and Hayter ) XXVIII/1/12-13.

Hearts Playingcards, A new playing card factory in the Netherlands. (Janssen) 32/5/185-186.

Hennegau, Die "quarten" aus dem (Eiff) 34/4/246-248.

Heraldic crosses of the 2000 Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards pack. (Hunt) 31/4/171-172.

Heraldry cards, 1691 Scottish Peers' heraldic playing cards. (Hodgson) 42/1/16-18.

Hindu cards, An unusual pack of (Hopewell ) XXVII/1/28-29.

Hodges, Charles, Hodges' artful dodges (Berry ) 30/2/62-68.

Hoffer, Carl, the playing-card maker, News from Austria's past (4). (Altfahrt) 44/1/53-60.

Hoffmann, Karel, A Czech National Revival pack c. 1890 engraved by. (Šťáhlavsky) 34/2/111-123.

Hoffmann, Prof. Dr. Detlef, obituary. (Schlede) 42/1/2-3.

Hofmann, Aloys , a Viennese cardmaker, News from Austria's past (2). (Altfahrt) 43/3/150-160.

Holmblad, Jacob, French suited tarot packs in Denmark and the animal tarot. (Jensen) 36/3/180-189.

Holmblad, L. P., Holmblad: the designs and law suits. (Jensen) 31/6/242-243.

Holmblad, L. P. - Danish playing card maker: the tarok packs. (Hinrup) 31/5/202-215.

Holmblad playing card patterns. (Hinrup) 33/4/247-262.

Hombre, The survival of Hombre (McLeod) Playing the Game XXIX/1/18-20.

Horváth, Ferenc, obituary. (Blaas) 44/1/5.

Hoyle, Edmond, Hoyle abroad, II: Hoyle in French. (Depaulis) 43/4/220-236.

Hoyle, Edmond, Whist-regeln in Kontinentaleuropa bis 1800. (Zollinger) 33/3/198-210.

Huchot and other card game illustrators (Tregear ) XXVII/4/150-157.

Hucklebuck, Schnellen & Donut. (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/4/288-292.

Hudson Industries - an Australian playing card maker. (Hudson) 42/4/215-216.

Hungary, Tarokk in Hungary (McLeod) Playing the Game XXIX/4/145-148.

Hungary, The Ungers: a 19th century playing-card making family in Győr, Hungary. (Wunderlich) 40/2/112-138.

Hunt, A pack not made by (Tregear ) XXVII/2/60-62.

Hunt, A pack not made by (Denning) XXVII/4/120.

Hunt, Joseph and Sons, Joseph Hunt revisited and the development of the wood-block designs. (Lodge) 45/2/78-81.

"Hunting Pack" made by Mihály Zichy. (Grigorenko) 35/4/240-247.

Iberian Triumphs worldwide. (Depaulis) Playing the Game 38/2/134-137.

Ibigurasha and amaturufu, The Rawandan appropriation of a Portuguese game. (de Voogt) 41/4/254-259.

Illustrated card backs made in Milan. (Crippa) 42/2/83-91.

Illustrators, Huchot and other card game illustrators (Tregear ) XXVII/4/150-157.

Imported cards in 19th century Britain. (Lodge) 42/3/153-156.

Indian games - double tricks and collecting tens. (McLeod) Playing the Game 38/1/63-66.

Indian Jass games, More : Doso Viso and Thuni (McLeod ) Playing the Game 31/3/134-135.

Indian Jass games: 29, 28, 56 (McLeod ) Playing the Game 31/2/60-64.

Inflation games, Getaway: the Punjabi inflation game. (McLeod) Playing the Game 42/2/92-95.

International Tarot Society. (Jensen) 32/3/95.

IPCS, Chairman's review of the year (2000) (Rayner ) XXIX/4/138-139.

IPCS, The early history of the (Gurr ) XXVIII/4/160-162.

IPCS, When we were very young. (Beal) 34/4/285-286.

IPCS/52 Plus Joker joint convention 2000. (Lubliner) XXIX/33/86.

IPCS British group meeting in Leicester. (Cooper) XXVIII/2/60.

IPCS Chairman, Taking the Chair. (Depaulis) 32/4/130.

IPCS Convention, 1998, Issy-les-Moulineaux. (Hopewell) XXVII/3/76-77.

IPCS Convention, 1999, Wroclaw, Poland. (Lubliner) XXVIII/3/106-107.

IPCS Convention, 2000, New Haven, Connecticut. (Kissel) XXVIII/5/256.

IPCS Convention, 2000, New Haven, Connecticut. (Kissel) XXVIII/6/266-267.

IPCS Convention, 2001, The joint IPCS/ASESCOIN convention September 2001. (Kissel) 30/3/116-117.

IPCS Convention, 2003, London conference deals aces. (Lubliner) 32/3/96.

IPCS Convention, 2004, Schaffhausen. (Goodall) 33/2/65-67.

IPCS Convention, 2005, in Turnhout. (Lubliner) 34/2/87-89.

IPCS Convention, 2006, in Issy-les-Moulineaux. (Endebrock) 35/2/94-95.

IPCS Convention, 2007, in Ravenna.. (Tregear) 36/2/79-80.

IPCS Convention, 2008, Amsterdam. (Dawson) 37/2/81-82.

IPCS Convention, 2008, Amsterdam. (Endebrock) 37/2/82-83.

IPCS Convention, 2009, Toronto. (de Ryck) 38/2/132-133.

IPCS Convention, 2010, Lisbon. (Ernestus) 39/2/60-63.

IPCS Convention, 2011, Malmö. (de Ryck) 40/2/77-79.

IPCS Convention, 2012, Issy-les-Moulineaux. (de Ryck) 41/2/78-80.

IPCS Convention, 2013, La Tour-de-Peilz. (Martin) 42/2/76-77.

IPCS Convention, 2013, La Tour-de-Peilz. (Endebrock) 42/2/77-78.

IPCS Convention, 2014, Berlin. (Endebrock) 43/2/72-74.

IPCS Convention, 2015, Turnhout. (Endebrock) 45/2/106-107.

IPCS Convention, 2015, Turnhout. (Endebrock) 44/2/87-88.

IPCS forty years ago. (Collett, Janssen and Lodge) 40/3/150-156.

IPCS millennium deck. (Rayner) XXVI/6/191.

IPCS millennium pack. (Rayner) XXVIII/5/211.

IPCS President 2004. (Décourt) 33/2/62.

Iran, Card games in (McLeod ) Playing the Game 31/6/244-247.

Iraq, Iraqi most wanted playing cards. (Hinrup) 44/2/130-133.

Irish Heroic Set, The Fennell series of Irish Heroic & Historic playing cards. (Goodall) 37/3/169-175.

Irish Historic Set, The Fennell series of Irish Heroic & Historic playing cards. (Goodall) 37/3/169-175.

Isle of Man, playing cards of. (Goodall) 43/1/19.

Italian card games, Entre farsa et barzelletta: jeux de cartes italiens autours de 1500. (Depaulis) 37/2/89-102.

Italian games and recent books. (McLeod) Playing the Game 36/2/155-159.

Italy, 48-card packs in (Dummett) 33/1/24-26.

Italy, Entre tarot et jeux de cour: une carte à jouer italienne. (Le Pogam) 33/1/27-38.

Italy, The magion experience in Italy: a mahjong district in (Emilia) Romagna. (Mastromarino) 38/2/79-91.

Janssen, Han, Society profiles No. 1 (Janssen) XXVI/4/144-145.

Japan, Kakkuri: the last Yomi game of (Kuromiya) 33/4/232-235.

Jass, Grevjass, a modern Faroese pointer to the Jass of Czar Peter I. (Smith) XXVIII/6/312-315.

Jass games-a survey (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVIII/6/280-281.

Jensen, K. Frank 1933-2016, To the memory of, obituary. (Jerremalm) 45/3/120.

Joffre, Kaiser and the Lost Heir. (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/1/68-72.

Joffre cards, Literature, and a note on Joffre cards. (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/4/293-296.

Joker, The origin of the first English Joker: an Anglo-American partnership (Goodall ) XXIX/6/244-246.

Jokers, Joker collecting and manufacturers. (Darbyshire) 37/4/229-230.

Jones, Dilys Henrik - an appreciation. (Rayner) 30/2/53.

Jones, Owen (1809-1874): architect, decorative artist & designer of playing cards (Cooper and Lodge) 34/3/181-192.

Jones, Owen, Winning hearts and minds: the theory behind the playing-card backs designed by Owen Jones. (Flores) 39/4/219-225.

Juego de naypes of Fernando de la Torre: a fifteenth-century Spanish card game. (Caldwell) 39/1/35-56.

Kaiser, Joffre and the Lost Heir. (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/1/68-72.

Kakkuri: the last Yomi game of Japan. (Kuromiya) 33/4/232-235.

Kalamazoo Tray, Nineteenth century Duplicate Whist playing card holders. (Laderman) 43/3/161-172.

Kaplan, Stuart R., Auction news: The Stuart and Marilyn Kaplan Collection. (Lubliner) 35/1/14-15.

Kaplan, Stuart R., Thoughts on the auction of "Historic cards and games from the collection of Stuart R. and Marilyn Kaplan." (Jensen) 35/1/15-16.

Kaulitzy, Constantin , a cardmaker in Neusatz, News from Austria's past (3). (Altfahrt) 43/4/239-241.

Kelkar, Narayan Ramachandra, An early 20th century pack of French suited cards by . (Gordhandas) 34/1/19-20.

Kendal Playing Card Sales. (Cooper) 42/4/204.

King-ten-five or ace-ten-five (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVII/6/238-239.

Kingdom of Savoy, I tarocchi nel Regno Sabaudo dal 1815 all'Unità d'Italia (1). (De Giorgio) 42/3/163-191.

Kingdom of Savoy, I tarocchi nel Regno Sabaudo dal 1815 all'Unità d'Italia (1). (De Giorgio) 42/4/237-258.

Kint, André, in memoriam (Cremers) 39/1/2.

Kint, André , in memorium. (Endebrock) 39/1/2

Kircher, Athanasius, Amends to (Decker and Dummett) 31/2/82-83.

Kirk, John - an 18th century card maker (Goodall ) 34/4/244-245.

Klaberjass, Klabberjaß im alten Land bei Hamburg. (Senst) XXIX/1/21-26.

Königrufen, Austrian calling games. (McLeod) Playing the Game 41/4/235-238.

Königrufen, Origin of. (McLeod) Playing the Game 39/1/12-13.

Königrufen, Trip to Austria - Tarock, yaks and Ladinisch Kritisch. (McLeod) Playing the Game 45/2/95-99.

Kop and Baśka, Minimal card games. (McLeod) Playing the Game 42/1/19-21.

Kurnol Dashavatara Ganjifa, A nineteenth century pack. (Gordhandas) XXVIII/6/284-287, 294.

Ladies pack, Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards 1887 ladies pack. (Dehavilland) 33/4/276-278.

Ladies pack, Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards 1890 pack for the summer Ladies Dinner. (Irwin) 34/1/60-61.

Lapland, Tuppi: Lapland's national game (Gordhandas ) 31/5/218.

Latvia, Playing cards of (Mētra ) 32/1/18-23.

Latvia, Playing cards of. (Cooper) 34/1/4-5.

Latvia, Playing cards of. (Krüger) 32/5/180-181.

Latvia, Playing cards of. (Mētra ) 37/2/79.

Latvian wartime playing-cards. (Mētra ) 36/3/178-179.

Lawrence, Stuart - an appreciation (Berry ) 30/1/46.

Layouts, Card games with. (McLeod) Playing the Game 36/4/304-308.

Le Franc, Martin et les Tarots Visconti (Lhôte ) 30/4/152-160.

Leningrad, Propaganda pack for the siege of (Mētra ) 32/3/101-104.

Lenthall, Dates of packs on Lenthall's list (Wayland ) XXIX/2/70-71.

Lenthall, John, Lenthall v. Redmayne et al. (Berry) 31/4/151-156.

Literature, and a note on Joffre cards. (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/4/293-296.

Llewellyn, John, A transition, a problem and more on Llewellyn. (Lodge) 39/3/159-162.

Llewellyn, John, The story behind a simple receipt. (Sings) 39/2/97-100.

London playing-card makers, Perilous times of nineteenth century (Cooper and Goodall ) XXVII/4/158-164.

Lost Heir, Kaiser and Joffre (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/1/68-72.

Loving-cup decorated with playing cards. (Goodall) 33/4/219-220.

Loving-cup decorated wit playing cards. (Denning) 34/1/3.

Luxembourg, The Benelux games of trumps (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/2/91-95.

Ma diao, The late Ming game of ma diao (Lo ) XXIX/3/115-136.

Ma diao, The late Ming game of ma diao. (Lo ) XXIX/6/215-217.

Ma diao, The late Ming game of ma diao. (Otani) XXIX/6/214-215.

Magical ritual, The devil and the two of hearts. (Caldwell) 37/2/126-141.

Magic the Gathering, The influence of. (McLeod) Playing the Game 39/4/226-231.

Mahjong(g), before and after Mahjong(g): Part 1. (Stanwick) 34/4/259-268.

Mahjong(g), before and after Mahjong(g): Part 2. (Stanwick) 35/1/27-41.

Mahjong(g), From cards to tiles: the origin of Mahjong(g)'s earliest suit names. (Stanwick and Xu) 41/1/52-67.

Mahjong(g) before Mahjong(g): Part 1. (Stanwick) 32/4/153-162.

Mahjong(g) before Mahjong(g): Part 2. (Stanwick) 32/5/206-215.

Mahjong, Rummy Mahjong - playing cards on tiles. (Pwee) 33/2/109-110.

Mahjong, The magion experience in Italy: a mahjong district in (Emilia) Romagna. (Mastromarino) 38/2/79-91.

Mahjong and the Taipings, Embarrassing tiles (Depaulis) 35/3/148-153.

Mahjong history. (Berry) XXIX/3/87-89.

Maimonides - oder eine spur der spielkarten im 12 jahrhundert? (Weberpals) 30/1/14-18.

Maldive Islands, Maldivian card games: rules, language and history. (de Voogt) 37/3/186-194.

Malta, Gambling in under the Order of St. John (Bonello) 34/2/124-136.

Malta, Maltese playing card makers 1684-1750. (Bonello) 32/3/191-197.

Malta, Maltese playing card makers 1684-1750. (Thorpe) 33/4/220.

Malta, Playing-cards of (Thorpe ) XXIX/3/102-105.

Maltese dragon cards. (Denning and Schirò) 30/1/33-42.

Mamlûk cards, Tûmân, or the ten thousand cups of the (Pollett) 31/1/34-41.

Mamluk problems. (Berry) 30/3/139-142.

Mantua, Early documents on playing cards in (Padovani and Milano) 34/3/205-207.

Manufacture of playing-cards, Printing methods used in the. (Field) 37/3/176-178.

Map cards, Cartographic and map playing cards 1590-1798. (Beresiner) 38/2/119-131.

Map cards of William Redmayne circa 1676 (Booth ) 31/3/102-103.

Ma que, Flowers and kings: a hypothesis of their function in early ma que. (Stanwick and Xu) 37/1/29-40.

March of Intellect card game, Gabriel Shire Tregear and the. (Tregear) 37/3/162-168.

Marimba…without mallets (Depaulis) Playing the Game 40/1/58-64.

Markers, Du piquet au whist: les marqueurs de jeu de cartes entre France et Grande-Bretagne. (Depaulis) 36/2/129-143.

Markers, Un marqueur de tressette? (ou "La Constance l'emporte"…). (Depaulis) 43/3/140-149.

Marseille, Les cartes de Marseille au Mexique au début du XVIIIe siècle. (Depaulis) 31/4/173-174.

Marseille, Tarot de - facts and fallacies. Part I. (Depaulis) 42/1/23-43.

Marseille, Tarot de - facts and fallacies. Part II. (Depaulis) 42/2/101-120.

Marseille, Tarot of - facts and fallacies. Part II (Depaulis ) 42/2/101-120

Marziano da Tortona's Tractatus de deificatione sexdecim heroum: Part 1. (Caldwell) 33/1/50-55.

Marziano da Tortona's Tractatus de deificatione sexdecim heroum: Part 2. (Caldwell) 33/2/111-126.

Marziano da Tortona, I trionfi di Marziano., (Pratesi ) XXVIII/3/144-151.

McLeod, John, Modiano Prize (2000) winner. (Rayner) XXIX/3/87.

Medley prints, Playing-cards and (Berry) XXVIII/5/230-232.

Mefferdt, Pieter, Three centuries of playing-cards in the Netherlands 1600-1900. (Rijnen) 37/4/239-249.

Mexico, Les cartes de Marseille au Mexique au début du XVIIIe siècle. (Depaulis) 31/4/173-174.

Milan, Illustrated backs of cards made in (Crippa ) 42/2/83-91

Milan, Illustrated backs of cards made in. (Crippa) 42/2/83-91.

Milanese playing card drawings in the British Museum. (Crippa) 41/3/170-183.

Milano , Alberto 1947-2016, obituary. (Crippa) 45/1/6.

Minchiate. (McLeod) Playing the Game 38/4/277-280.

Ming, The late Ming game of ma diao (Lo ) XXIX/3/115-136.

Ming period, Pan Zhiheng's "Xu Yezi Pu" (sequel to a Manual of Leaves) - Part 1. (Lo) 31/5/221-229.

Ming period, Pan Zhiheng's "Xu Yezi Pu" (sequel to a Manual of Leaves) - Part 2. (Lo) 31/6/278-284.

Ming period, The "Yezi Pu" (Manual of Leaves): a card manual for games of the late Ming period [1368-1644]. (Lo) 31/2/86-96.

Miniature cards from the 19th century. (Clays) 38/1/27-39.

Minimal card games: Kop and Baśka. (McLeod) Playing the Game 42/1/19-21.

Mischka, Martin, News from Austria's past (6): a strange Austrian tarot. (Altfahrt) 44/4/275-283.

Miss Cleo scandal, Tarot reviews: the (Jensen) 32/1/4-6.

Mitch, Invention and evolution (McLeod) Playing the Game 32/5/193-195.

Mlle Le Normand, Back to the roots of a modern flower oracle deck: Mlle Le Normand and J. J. Grandville. (Nagel) 32/4/142-152.

Mlle Le Normand. (Reynaud) 32/5/178.

Modern Skruuvi (Saari) Playing the Game 37/1/58-63.

Modiano Prize (1997). (Rayner ) XXVI/5/171.

Modiano Prize (1998) (Cooper) XXVII/1/2.

Modiano Prize (1998), On receiving the (Reisinger) XXVII/3/78.

Modiano Prize (1999), On the award of the. (Ferro Torrelles) XXVIII/4/159.

Modiano Prize (1999). (Rayner ) XXVIII/2/59.

Modiano Prize (2000), John McLeod winner. (Rayner) XXIX/3/87.

Modiano Prize (2000), On receiving the (McLeod) XXIX/4/140.

Modiano Prize (2001), On receiving the (Palasi) 30/4/148.

Modiano Prize (2001) winner () 30/2/52.

Moehsnang, Golden Patience - a new pack of cards from (Eberhard) XXVIII/3/154-156.

Moghul Ganjifa, Arundhati and Saptarishis (Seven Sages) - 96 card Moghul Ganjifa. (Gordhandas) 37/1/21-28.

Moghul Ganjifa, General rules for playing a four-handed Moghul Ganjifa card game with 96 cards. (Gordhandas) 31/2/79-80.

Moghul Ganjifa, Twelve-suited 144 cards Gul aur Bulbul Ganjifa. (Gordhandas) 39/3/148-153.

Money-suited cards, Chinese. (Berry) 31/5/230-236.

Montagu's (William) Geographical pack of 1793 (Montague) XXVII/4/142-148.

Movie souvenir playing cards, Vintage movie star playing cards from Brazil. (Stolzenburg) 43/4/197-201.

Musée du Petit Palais, Paris, Hidden treasures in the. (Depaulis) 45/3/176-182.

Musical composition with playing cards (Sherlaw-Johnson ) XXVIII/4/174-189.

Naibi, 1377: Firenze - condanne ai giocatori di naibi. (Pratesi) 44/3/156-163.

Naipes Gacela. (Denning) 34/1/2.

Naipes Gacela. (Ferg) 33/4/223.

Naipes Gacela. (Wintle) 34/1/2-3.

Naples, Playing cards and tarots in, 15th-18th centuries. (De Giorgio) 34/2/101-110.

Netherlands, A new playing card factory in the (Janssen) 32/5/185-186.

Netherlands, Three centuries of playing-cards in the, 1600-1900. (Rijnen) 37/4/239-249.

Netherlands, Tulip growers' Pandoeren (McLeod) Playing the Game 31/1/42-47.

Neumann, Emanuel, A 19th century Czech nationalistic pack by (Šťáhlavsky) 32/6/262-265.

Neusatz, News from Austria's past (3): Constantin Kaulitzy, a cardmaker in . (Altfahrt) 43/4/239-241.

New Zealand, Playing-cards in. (Endebrock and Goodall) 44/4/241.

New Zealand, Playing-card taxes in. (Endebrock) 44/3/210-219.

Nice, Was there a "Portrait de Nice"? (Haas) 37/3/179-185.

"Nine Worthies" and French cards (Berry ) XXVII/5/218-224.

Non-standard playing cards (Denning) XXIX/4/153-157.

Non-standard playing cards, Classifying. (Porter) 38/3/203-208.

Norskforening for Spillkortsamlere (Manfredo ) XXVI/4/114-115,125.

Number symbolism and the Tarot trumps (Decker) XXVII/5/192-193,202-207.

Olympic Games, Playing-cards and the (Thorpe ) 32/6/266-268.

Oochlee - a game from northern Syria (McLeod) Playing the Game 30/2/89-91.

Oppenheimer & Sulzbacher, Vereinigte Kunstanstalten Senkeisen (vSk) and Carl Schaller (Thiel ) 42/2/121-129.

Oppenheimer & Sulzbacher, Vereinigte Kunstanstalten Senkeisen (vSk) and Carl Schaller. (Thiel) 42/2/121-129.

Oracle cards, Back to the roots of a modern flower oracle deck: Mlle Le Normand and J. J. Grandville. (Nagel) 32/4/142-152.

Orissa, Komi and Nakash - two gambling games of Orissa. (Hopewell) 35/1/67-68.

Orissa, The extended dasavatara packs of (Hopewell) 31/2/69-78.

Orzak, Louis, obituary. (Kissel) 32/4/131.

Owl or eagle? The Uhu in Austrian Tarock (McLeod) Playing the Game 32/1/33-36.

Padovano, Francesco, Un "Padovano" cartaro accusato di frode. (De Giorgio) 41/2/115-123.

Page One (Japanese game). (Kuromiya) 37/1/55-57.

Pamplona pattern, Le portrait de Pampelune. (Depaulis) 38/1/20-26.

Pandoeren, Tulip growers' (McLeod) Playing the Game 31/1/42-47.

Partition games (McLeod) Playing the Game 32/4/173-175.

Peeën, Brelan in Belgium - the game of Peeën. (McLeod) Playing the Game 32/6/255-258.

Perlaggen - the first UNESCO recognised card game. (McLeod) Playing the Game 45/1/25-30.

Perpignan, The playing card in Perpignan, from the 14th to the 19th century. (Garrigue) 41/2/133-137.

Peterhof Playing Card Museum. (Grigorenko) 36/2/86-87.

Peterhof Playing Card Museum. (Kaplan) 36/3/insert.

Peterhof Playing Card Museum. (Tanner) 39/3/132-134.

Phillips, Henry Druit: Master of the W. C. M. P. C. and collector of playing cards. (Thorpe) 33/2/72-73.

Piedmontese Tarot, I tarocchi nel Regno Sabaudo dal 1815 all'Unità d'Italia (1). (De Giorgio) 42/3/163-191.

Piedmontese Tarot, I tarocchi nel Regno Sabaudo dal 1815 all'Unità d'Italia (2). (De Giorgio) 42/4/237-258.

Piquet, Der Fürst und das Kartenspiel: Piquet-Regeln (um 1620). (Zollinger) 31/3/104-112.

Playing-card backs (Ruh) 36/1/22-29.

Playing-card backs, A sequel to Max Ruh's "Playing-card backs." (Depaulis) 36/4/289-290.

Playing-card backs, Back to card backs: Rosart's tarotées. (Depaulis) 37/3/159-161.

Playing-card games, Rules, conventions and customs. (McLeod) Playing the Game 30/1/43-45.

Playing-card manufacture, Printing methods used in the. (Field) 37/3/176-178.

Playing-cards, 12th century, Maimonides - oder eine Spur der Spielkarten im 12 jahrhundert? (Weberpals) 30/1/14-18.

Playing-cards, secondary uses of. (Bossi) 37/1/41-51.

Playing-cards, secondary uses of. (van Diggele) 43/1/34-41.

Playing-cards, secondary uses of. (van Diggele) 43/2/82-86.

Playing-card terms, A 19th century glossary of (Goodall ) XXIX/4/149-152.

Playing-card terms, A 19th century glossary of (Bruch) XXIX/6/219-220.

Playing-card wrappers, very old (Depaulis) 35/2/111-114.

Playing card manufacture, Did card-makers always make their own cards? A puzzle with wood-block packs. (Lodge) 35/2/121-126.

Playing card manufacture, France. (Goodall) 36/2/83-84.

Playing card manufacture, Modern scientific analysis of 19th century playing cards in the Winterthur Museum. (Sokolowski) 32/1/8-17.

Playing cards, 14th century and the introduction of playing cards into Europe. (Janssen) 34/3/173-180.

Playing cards, 16th century, A discovery of (Rootenberg) 34/3/193-197.

Playing cards, Europe, The proto-historiography of playing cards: early hypotheses and beliefs … (Caldwell) 38/2/92-118.

Playing cards, history, The proto-historiography of playing cards: early hypotheses and beliefs ... (Caldwell) 38/2/92-118.

Playing cards, secondary uses of. (van Diggele) 43/3/136-139.

Playing with numbers (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVI/5/155-157.

Plumed hat pattern, Shipwreck in Alderney, a pack with a story. (Pérez González) 44/3/179-182.

Poker cards - deviations from the standard. (Endebrock) 43/2/95-104.

Polish taroki. (McLeod) Playing the Game 40/4/257-260.

Political pack, A rare 1909 American Russian political pack. (Galt et al.) 30/5/202-211.

Port books. (Darbyshire) 38/4/245-248.

Portrait cards - a new designation? (Bostock) 45/3/170-171.

Portrait de Nice, Was there a "Portrait de Nice"? (Haas) 37/3/179-185.

Portugal playing card tax - Imposto do cartas de jogar. (Dahl) 39/1/18-33.

Portuguese Insurrection packs, Two (Collett) XXVIII/5/262-264.

Portuguese type, How little we know: a new hypothesis for the origin of the (Dummett ) 31/1/13-16.

Poster stamps, card games on. (Endebrock) Playing the Game 43/1/51-55.

Poster stamps, card games on. (Leden) 43/2/88-91.

Poster stamps, card games on. (Endebrock) 43/3/127-128.

Prague 1895 Ethnographical Exhibition, A Czech Hussite pack for the (Šťáhlavsky) 34/4/249-258.

Prague 1908 Jubilee Exhibition, A pack for the (Šťáhlavsky) 31/262-266.

Printing methods used in the manufacture of playing-cards. (Field) 37/3/176-178.

Printing of playing-cards (Beal ) XXIX/3/106-114.

Prisoners of war, "Made from PW" - ein handgemachtes Internationales Bild (Kaschel ) XXVII/6/252-253.

Prisoners of war, a pack made by a Napoleonic prisoner-of-war (Thomas ) 34/3/216-217.

Prisoners of war, a pack made by a Napoleonic prisoner-of-war (Verame) 34/4/227-228.

Prisoners of war, Facsimile of a prisoner's hand-made cards from the Grini concentration camp, Norway (Nordheim ) XXVIII/4/206-208.

Propaganda pack for the siege of Leningrad (Mētra ) 32/3/101-104.

"Proverbial Cards", William Warter's "Proverbial Cards" (Berry ) XXIX/5/204-207.

Quartet games, German flower quartet games. (Krumbein) 30/2/69-78.

Quartet games and their history. (Krumbein) 37/2/103-123.

Quitlok (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVII/5/188-190.

Rabouge - history, rules, cards. (Endebrock ) 35/4/248-254.

Race games with playing-cards. (McLeod) Playing the Game 39/3/140-145.

Race games with playing-cards. (McLeod) 39/4/194-195.

Rams games, Schnellen, Hucklebuck & Donut. (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/4/288-292.

Ravensburger Games takes over Berliner Spielkarten. () XXVII/1/5.

Rawandan appropriation of a Portuguese game: amaturufu and ibigurasha, The . (de Voogt) 41/4/254-259.

Realism in European cards. (Lodge) 42/2/97-100.

Realism in European cards. (Lodge) 43/3/125.

Redmayne, William, Lenthall v. Redmayne et al. (Berry) 31/4/151-156.

Redmayne, William, Map cards of circa 1676 (Booth ) 31/3/102-103.

Regensburg pattern, The (Hausler ) XXVI/5/159-170.

Reisinger, Klaus 1941-2006, In memoriam (Blass) 34/3/152-153.

Republic of Florence, I primi giochi di carte nella repubblica fiorentina. (Pratesi) 40/3/179-197.

Restoration of playing cards. (Feindura) 41/2/138-141.

Revolution, , Invention and evolution (McLeod) Playing the Game 32/5/193-195.

Richard Edward Ltd., A Phoenix arises. (Goodall) XXIX/1/43-44.

Rock Brothers and Payne - a Victorian stationer and playing-card maker (Berry) XXIX/1/7.

Rock Brothers and Payne - a Victorian stationer and playing-card maker (Goodall ) XXVIII/6/296-301.

Romania, Tarok in (McLeod) Playing the Game 30/4/180-185.

Rome, Playing cards in, 15th-17th centuries. (Depaulis) 36/3/205-211.

Rosart, Jacques-François, Back to card backs: Rosart's tarotées. (Depaulis) 37/3/159-161.

Rothschild tarots, Giovanni del Ponte and the dating of the Rothschild cards in the Louvre: some further considerations. (Caldwell) 36/1/51-62.

Rothschild tarots, I tarocchi della Collezione Rothschild al Louvre: nuove proposte di lettura. (Fiorini) 35/1/52-63.

Royal finery on playing cards. (Goshawk) 41/3/193-197.

Royal Masonic Playing Cards: a very rare pack, Goodall's. (Goodall) 33/1/47-49.

Royalty on Danish playing cards (Jensen ) 32/1/24-32.

Ruh, Max 27 June 1938 to 4 December 2013, obituary. (Schlede) 42/3/144-145.

Rules, conventions and customs. (McLeod) Playing the Game 30/1/43-45.

Rummy, Array rummy game. (Cardellicchio and Horn) 36/4/299-303.

Rummy Mahjong - playing cards on tiles. (Pwee) 33/2/109-110.

Runge, Philipp Otto Runge's first playing card (Berry and Depaulis ) XXVIII/1/50-56.

Russia, Cards and card-playing in Muscovite Russia (Unbegaun) 36/2/144-148.

Russia, Four Russian playing-card packs. (Grigorenko) 43/4/207-216.

Russia, Playing-cards of academician Sharleman. (Grigorenko) 36/4/274-285.

Russian playing-card publications, A survey of (Grigorenko) 34/1/52-57.

Russian playing card history- from the beginnings to 1917 (Burnett ) 40/1/41-57.

Russian political pack, A rare 1909 American pack (Galt et al.) 30/5/202-211.

San Marino, Taxes on playing-cards in the Republic of. (Endebrock) 38/1/60-62.

Savoy, I tarocchi nel Regno Sabaudo dal 1815 all'Unità d'Italia (1). (De Giorgio) 42/3/163-191.

Savoy, I tarocchi nel Regno Sabaudo dal 1815 all'Unità d'Italia (2). (De Giorgio) 42/4/237-258.

Sawantwadi, A visit to (Hopewell ) XXVII/2/69-72.

Sawantwadi, further notes on. (Hopewell ) XXVII/4/122.

Scenic aces, Dutch. (Muller) 38/3/152-190.

Scenic aces, Dutch. (Burton) 38/4/228-229.

Schaller, Carl, Oppenheimer & Sulzbacher, Vereinigte Kunstanstalten Senkeisen (vSk) and (Thiel ) 42/2/121-129.

Scharff, Walter - the fate of an unorthodox maker of playing cards. (Haas) 42/1/44-64.

Scharwenzel (Playing the Game). (McLeod) Playing the Game 35/2/127-130.

Schinkay, Michael, News from Austria's past (8): the playing card factory C. Titze & Schinkay in Vienna. (Altfahrt) 45/3/142-160.

Schnellen, Hucklebuck & Donut. (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/4/288-292.

Schreiber, Lady Charlotte : card collector extraordinary. (Ladd) 33/4/228-230.

Scopa, La première mention de la (Depaulis) XXVIII/3/152-153.

Scotland, Early cardmakers in (Goodall ) 34/1/23-25.

Scottish Peers' heraldic playing cards. (Hodgson) 42/1/16-18.

Second-hand playing-cards, The sale of. (Cooper) XXIX/1/3-4.

Seven Bridge. (Kuromiya) 36/1/65-66.

Seyffertitz, Werner, obituary . (Blaas) 45/2/68.

Sharleman, Adolf Iosifovich, Playing-cards of academician Sharleman. (Grigorenko) 36/4/274-285.

Sherlaw-Johnson, Robert, obituary. (Cooper) XXIX/4/143.

Sicilian trumps. (Dummett ) 33/3/156-160.

Sicilian trumps. (Dummett) 33/2/127-131.

Sistine Chapel, Carte da gioco del '700 nella Cappella Sistina. (Crippa) 34/1/58-59.

Skat, The Tarock of the Skat inventors, Part I: Grosstarock redefined. (Martin) 44/2/134-147.

Skat, The Tarock of the Skat inventors, Part II: the Weimar classics and a ludemic view on Tarock, Hombre, and Skat. (Martin) 44/3/164-178.

Skat, Tournament reports: All Fours and Skat. (McLeod) Playing the Game 32/3/98-100.

Skruuvi, Modern. (Saari) Playing the Game 37/1/58-63.

Soldier's Prayerbook gave rise to a press-law suit in 1779. (Jerremalm) 39/4/234-237.

Solesio, Felix, at home. (Townsend) 40/3/163-165.

Souvenir decks, Dutch scenic aces. (Muller) 38/3/152-190.

Spain, early playing cards (Díaz-Maroto) 34/4/269-284.

Spain, early playing cards. (Denning) 35/1/5.

Spalinger, Otto - an artist and his playing-cards. (Endebrock) 43/4/217-219.

Spanish cardmakers, L'inquisition, le monopole et les cartiers en Espagne au XVIe siècle. (Zollinger) XXIX/1/27-37.

Spielkartenfabrik C. L. Wüst and the Theilungs-Recess. (Shaw) 34/4/287-292.

Stag Rider from the so-called "Tarot of Alessandro Sforza" at the Museo Civico di Castello Ursino of Catania. (Maggio) 42/4/221-236.

Standard patterns, A response to Walter Haas. (Lodge) 41/2/126-132.

Standard patterns, On types, patterns and standards. (Haas) 40/4/227-239.

Standard patterns, Undescribed. (Endebrock) 36/4/239.

Standard patterns. (Lodge) 42/1/13-14.

Standard patterns in 19th century Turkey. (Depaulis) 30/5/222-244.

Stencil patterns, Identifying a maker using . (Bostock) 42/3/192-195.

Stoppa. (Cardellicchio ) 33/1/39-46.

Storage and cataloguing of playing-cards. (Porter) 37/1/52-54.

Stralsund single-faced pattern. (Kaschel) 36/1/30-38.

Strangers' Hall, Norwich, Playing cards at. (Bostock and Lodge) 41/4/239-250.

Stubai Valley Droggn and Dobbm - two living fossils of the Austrian card game landscape. Part I (McLeod and Geiser ) XXVII/6/269-276.

Stubai Valley Droggn and Dobbm - two living fossils of the Austrian card game landscape. Part II (McLeod and Geiser ) XXVIII/1/40-49.

Stubai Valley Droggn and Dobbm - two living fossils of the Austrian card game landscape. Part III (McLeod and Geiser ) XXVIII/2/96-100.

Stýrovoltur: the Karnöffel of the Faroes, part 1 (Smith ) XXVI/6/223-227.

Stýrovoltur: the Karnöffel of the Faroes, part 2 (Smith ) XXVII/1/30-36..

Suma, Wolfgang: a personal reminiscence (Beale) XXIX/4/163-164.

Suuma, Wolfgang, obituary. (Schlede) XXIX/2/49-51.

Swazi Casino (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVIII/5/258-261.

Swiss games and more relatives of Rook (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVIII/1/14-16.

Talon/BDK meeting 1998. (Endebrock) XXVII/1/3-4.

Talon/BDK meeting 2000. (Endebrock) XXIX/1/8-9.

Talon/BDK meeting 2001. (Endebrock) 30/1/12-13.

Talon/BDK meeting 2002. (Endebrock) 31/1/8-9.

Talon/BDK meeting 2003. (Endebrock) 32/2/45-46.

Talon/BDK meeting 2004. (Endebrock) 33/1/16.

Talon/BDK meeting 2005. (Endebrock) 34/1/7-8.

Talon/BDK meeting 2006. (Endebrock) 35/1/19.

Talon/BDK meeting 2007. (Endebrock) 35/4/220-221.

Tarabish. (Goodall) 35/3/199-202.

Tarocchino Bolognese: due nuovi manoscritti scoperti e alcune osservazioni-Parte 1. (Cuppi) 30/2/79-88.

Tarocchino Bolognese: due nuovi manoscritti scoperti e alcune osservazioni-Parte 2. (Cuppi) 30/4/186-192.

Tarocchi with table talk - the 62-card game in Piedicavallo. (McLeod) Playing the Game 40/3/200-203.

Tarocco Siciliano, The Sicilian trumps (Dummett) 33/2/127-131.

Tarocco Siciliano, The Sicilian trumps (Dummett) 33/3/156-160.

Tarocco Ticinese (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/1/18-20.

Tarock Hombre, The Tarock of the Skat inventors, Part II: the Weimar classics and a ludemic view on Tarock, Hombre, and Skat. (Martin) 44/3/164-178.

Tarock news. (McLeod) Playing the Game 37/4/275-276.

Taroki, Polish. (McLeod) Playing the Game 40/4/257-260.

Tarok in Romania (McLeod) Playing the Game 30/4/180-185.

Tarokk in Hungary (McLeod) Playing the Game XXIX/4/145-148.

Tarot, Austrian, News from Austria's past (6): a strange Austrian tarot. (Altfahrt) 44/4/275-283.

Tarot cards, A brief sketch of the history of (Sylvia Mann Lecture 2004). (Dummett ) 33/4/236-246.

Tarot cartomancy in Bologna. (Dummett) 32/2/79-88.

Tarot de Marseille, A mi-chemin Venise et Florence: le Chariot ferrarais du Musée français de la carte à jouer. (Poncet) 41/4/227-234.

Tarot de Marseille - facts and fallacies. Part I. (Depaulis) 42/1/23-43.

Tarot de Marseille - facts and fallacies. Part II. (Depaulis) 42/2/101-120.

Tarot editions, The early Waite-Smith (Jensen ) 34/1/26-50.

Tarot history, "Trionfi alla franciosa finite e non finiti" - le tarot en France avant 1500. (Depaulis) 44/3/201-209.

Tarot history, A century with the Waite-Smith tarot (and all the others…). (Jensen) 38/3/217-222.

Tarot history, A cosmological tarot hypothesis - virtue triumphant: the seven virtues v. the seven mortal sins. (Park) 31/3/127-133.

Tarot history, Des "cartes communément appelées taraux" 1 ère partie. (Depaulis) 32/5/199-205.

Tarot history, Des "cartes communément appelées taraux" 2 ème partie. (Depaulis) 32/6/244-249.

Tarot history, Entre tarot et jeux de cour: une carte à jouer italienne (Le Pogam) 33/1/27-38.

Tarot history, In search of tarot sources - after fifteen years. (Pratesi) 41/2/95-114.

Tarot history, I tarocchi della Collezione Rothschild al Louvre: nuove proposte di lettura. (Fiorini) 35/1/52-63.

Tarot history, I trionfi di Marziano. (Pratesi ) XXVIII/3/144-151.

Tarot history, Origin of tarots - the Avignon hypothesis. (Verame) 44/1/43-47.

Tarot history, The tarot myth. (Berry) 32/6/225-227.

Tarot history, When (and how) did tarot reach Germany? (Depaulis) 39/2/64-79.

Tarot history. (Endebrock) 36/3/165-166.

Tarot myth. (Berry) 32/6/225-227.

Tarot of Marseille - facts and fallacies. Part II (Depaulis ) 42/2/101-120

Tarot reviews. (Jensen ) 33/3/149-155.

Tarot sources, In search of, part 1 (Pratesi ) XXVII/2/64-68.

Tarot sources, In search of, part 2 (Pratesi ) XXVII/3/111-116.

Tarot trumps, Early Italian lists of. (Depaulis) 36/1/39-50.

Taunton, William and the game of Zetema. (Goodall ) 34/3/208-211.

Taxation on playing-cards, Los impuestos sobre los naipes en los reinos de España, entrega 1 (Ferro Torrelles ) XXVII/5/208-217.

Taxation on playing-cards, Los impuestos sobre los naipes en los reinos de España, entrega 2 (Ferro Torrelles) XXVII/6/254-267.

Taxes, Comment on Argentinean tax stamps. (Endebrock) 33/4/226-227.

Taxes, Playing-card taxes in New Zealand. (Endebrock) 44/3/210-219.

Taxes, Playing-card taxes in Uruguay. (Endebrock) 39/2/80-85.

Taxes, Portugal playing card tax - Imposto do cartas de jogar. (Dahl) 39/1/18-33.

Taxes on playing-cards in Argentina. (Akerman) 33/2/81-88.

Taxes on playing-cards in the Republic of San Marino. (Endebrock) 38/1/60-62.

Tax stamps, Playing-card tax stamps from Czechoslovakia (Šedivý) 35/2/115-120.

Terminology, Playing-card. (Cooper) XXVIII/3/108.

Terminology, Playing-card. (Lodge) 42/4/204-205.

Thackeray, William Makepeace. (Beale) XXVII/5/179-182.

Thackeray, William Makepeace. (Goodall) XXVII/4/124-125.

The other Napoleon (McLeod) Playing the Game XXIX/2/81-84.

Thiel, Klaus 1942-2015, obituary. (Endebrock) 44/1/5.

Ticino, Tarocco Ticinese (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/1/18-20.

Titze, Carl, News from Austria's past (8): the playing card factory C. Titze & Schinkay in Vienna. (Altfahrt) 45/3/142-160.

Tokens for Whist. (Endebrock) 40/4/218.

Tokens for Whist. (Endebrock) 41/1/43-44.

Tokens for Whist. (McLeod) 40/1/14-15.

Tokens for Whist. Part 1: Hoyle's method of scoring and other Whist counters. (Depaulis) 39/3/163-184.

Tokens for Whist. Part II: from simple to quadruple. (Depaulis) 39/4/199-217.

Torre, Fernando de la, El Juego de naypes of Fernando de la Torre: a fifteenth-century Spanish card game. (Caldwell) 39/1/35-56.

Transformation cards. (Altfahrt) 43/1/23.

Transformation cards. (Endebrock) 42/4/205-206.

Transformation cards. (Endebrock) 42/4/206-207.

Transformation packs, A pair of. (Townshend) 36/3/190-204.

Trappola was invented by Trapolin. (Klobušický) 45/3/161-164.

Tregear, Gabriel Shire and "The March of Intellect" card game. (Tregear) 37/3/162-168.

Tressette, Un marqueur de tressette? (ou "La Constance l'emporte"…). (Depaulis) 43/3/140-149.

Trevor Denning - Honorary Fellow. (Rayner ) XXVIII/3/104.

Troeven, The Benelux games of trumps (McLeod) Playing the Game 33/2/91-95.

Troggu in Visperterminen. (McLeod) Playing the Game 37/2/142-145.

Trompe-l'oeils, Two trompe-l'oeils with playing cards (Endebrock ) 40/1/33-37.

Truc (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/3/212-215.

Truf (McLeod) Playing the Game 35/1/64-66.

Trumps, Sicilian (Dummett ) 33/2/127-131.

Trumps, Sicilian (Dummett ) 33/3/156-160.

Trumps, Tarot, Early Italian lists of. (Depaulis) 36/1/39-50.

Tulip, The emergence of on playing and oracle cards. (Nagel) 35/1/41-51.

Tûmân, or the ten thousand cups of the Mamlûk cards. (Pollett) 31/1/34-41.

*tuman problem (Huson) 30/4/146.

*tuman problem (O'Donovan) XXIX/4/158-162.

Tuppi, More Whist and comments on Tuppi (McLeod) Playing the Game 31/5/219-220.

Tuppi: Lapland's national game. (Gordhandas ) 31/5/218.

Turkey, Standard patterns in 19th century. (Depaulis) 30/5/222-244.

Twenty-two (McLeod) Playing the Game 35/3/202-204.

Unger family, The Ungers: a 19th century playing-card making family in Győr, Hungary. (Wunderlich) 40/2/112-138.

United States, Playing-cards in the (Lubliner ) XXVI/5/181-187.

United States, Playing-cards in the. (Cooper) 36/3/165.

United States Playing Card Company. (Cooper) 33/1/2-3.

Uruguay, Playing-card taxes in . (Endebrock) 39/2/80-85.

Valencia, Portraits en Espagne avant 1800: le Portrait de Valence (Depaulis ) XXIX/6/230-243.

Van Autenboer, Eugeen, obituary. () 36/4/286.

Van Gool, Robert, In memorium (1938-2012). (Cremers) 41/2/76.

Van Leyden, Lucas, An enigmatic betrothal on Lucas van Leyden's painting The Card Reader. (Nagel) 33/2/96-108.

Van Leyden, Lucas, An enigmatic betrothal on Lucas van Leyden's painting The Card Reader. (Denning) 33/3/139.

Van Leyden, Lucas, An enigmatic betrothal on Lucas van Leyden's painting The Card Reader. (Nagel) 33/3/139.

Venice, Crouds in the streets, meetings at the tables: two faces of Venetian 18th century gaming. (Nadin) 36/4/243-253.

Vereinigte Kunstanstalten Senkeisen (vSk), Oppenheimer & Sulzbacher, and Carl Schaller. (Thiel) 42/2/121-129.

Vereinigte Kunstanstalten Senkeisen (vSk), Oppenheimer & Sulzbacher, Vereinigte Kunstanstalten Senkeisen (vSk) and Carl Schaller (Thiel ) 42/2/121-129.

Vienna, News from Austria's past (2): Aloys Hofmann, a Viennese cardmaker. (Altfahrt) 43/3/150-160.

Vienna, News from Austria's past (8): the playing card factory C. Titze & Schinkay in Vienna. (Altfahrt) 45/3/142-160.

Virtues, Where do the Virtues go? (Dummett) 32/4/165-167.

Visconti Tarot, Martin Le Franc et les Tarots Visconti (Lhôte ) 30/4/152-160.

Vitou (McLeod) Playing the Game 34/3/212-215.

Von Aachen, Hans, a painting by. (Altfahrt) 40/4/215-216

Waite-Smith tarot, A century with the Waite-Smith tarot (and all the others…). (Jensen) 38/3/217-222.

Waite-Smith tarot editions, The early (Jensen ) 34/1/26-50.

Warter, William, "Proverbial Cards" (Berry ) XXIX/5/204-207.

Washing playing cards. (Cooper) 35/4/212.

Washing playing cards. (Endebrock) 35/4/213-214.

Washing playing cards. (Ollis) 35/4/212-213.

Watson, Victor H. CBE 1928-2015, obituary. (Watson) 44/1/4.

Wayland, Virginia and Harold, an appreciation. (Peters) XXIX/5/175-176.

Wheeler, Henry - The Wheelers: a family of card makers and card forgers? (Cooper) 31/1/20-33.

Wheeler, Thomas - The Wheelers: a family of card makers and card forgers? (Cooper) 31/1/20-33.

Wheeler, William - The Wheelers: a family of card makers and card forgers? (Cooper) 31/1/20-33.

Wheelers - unanswered questions. (Cooper) 31/3/98-99.

Whist, Duplicate, Nineteenth century playing card holders. (Laderman) 43/3/161-172.

Whist, Hoyle abroad, II: Hoyle in French. (Depaulis) 43/4/220-236.

Whist, More Whist and comments on Tuppi (McLeod) Playing the Game 31/5/219-220.

Whist, Tokens for Whist. (Endebrock) 40/4/218.

Whist, Tokens for Whist. (Endebrock) 41/1/43-44.

Whist, Tokens for Whist. (McLeod) 40/1/14-15.

Whist, Tokens for Whist. Part 1: Hoyle's method of scoring and other Whist counters. (Depaulis) 39/3/163-184.

Whist, Tokens for Whist. Part II: from simple to quadruple. (Depaulis) 39/4/199-217.

Whist, Which Whist (McLeod) Playing the Game 31/4/180-184.

Whist-regeln in Kontinentaleuropa bis 1800. (Zollinger) 33/3/198-210.

Wings, From the symbolism of wings to the symbolism of tarot cards. (Nagel) 38/1/40-55.

Woodblocks, An analysis of wood-block characteristics. (Lodge) 43/1/43-50.

Woolley & Co., The fall and rise of Thomas Woolley & the decline and fall of Creswick. (Lodge) 44/1/48-52.

World's Columbian Exposition, Playing-cards of the 1893 Chicago World's Fair (Thorpe ) 30/6/265-267.

World War I and card playing as shown on forces' postcards. (Köhler) 40/2/104-108.

World War II playing cards. (Lodge) 41/2/87-88.

Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards, back designs of presentation packs. (Cooper and Thorpe) XXIX/2/57-64.

Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards, Henry Druit Phillips: Master of the W.C.M.P.C. and collectorof playing cards. (Thorpe) 33/2/72-73.

Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards, Millenium pack from the. (Goodall) XXIX/4/141-142.

Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards,The heraldic crosses of the 2000 pack. (Hunt) 31/4/171-172.

Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards 1887 ladies pack. (Dehavilland) 33/4/276-278.

Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards 1890 pack for the summer Ladies Dinner. (Irwin) 34/1/60-61.

Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards: the 2004 Master's Cards. (Ladd) 33/3/140-141.

Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards ladies packs. (Ladd) 34/2/83.

Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards Presentation Pack 2005. (Card) 34/3/155-156.

Wüst, C. L. and the Theilungs-Recess. (Shaw) 34/4/287-292.

ǂXànúsì as played by the Ju|’hoansi in |Xae|xae, Botswana. (de Voogt) Playing the Game 44/4/249-254.

Zetema, William Taunton and the game of (Goodall ) 34/3/208-211.

Zeuner, Thomas, 1939-2016, obituary. (Endebrock) 45/1/7.

Zichy, Mihály, The "Hunting Pack" made by (Grigorenko) 35/4/240-247.

Zwicken, The "very costly game" of (Zollinger) XXVI/5/150-154.

Zwickern (McLeod) Playing the Game XXVII/4/128-131.