Bibliography – (2) Exhibition catalogues

Deutsche Bilder – Deutsche Farben. Spielkarten Ausstellung, Heimatmuseum Prien am Chiemsee.
F X Schmid, Munich, 1985
text in German. 47pp, illustrated.
Igral’nye karty v Rossii (Playing Cards in Russia)
State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, 1992.
text in Russian. 44 p. fully illustrated in colour
Indian Playing cards.
Hand-out at V&A exhibition at Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood, London, 1982
text in English. 5pp.
Medieval Illuminated Playing Cards
Sotheby’s, London, December 1983
text in English. 10pp. including 2 colour plates and 1 double b/w plate.
“Pikovaya Dama”. Karty v zhizni, zhizn’ v kartah: sobranie gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeya (“The Queen of Spades”. Cards in life, life in cards: Collections of the State Historical Museum, Moscow)
Khudozhnik i Kniga, Moscow, 2002
text in Russian. two booklets in colour (one with Pushkin’s ‘Queen of Spades’, another with side-exhibition catalogue) + 72 folding full-colour plates, all in a silk-covered box
Spielkarten. Katalog zur Ausstellung im Museum zu Allerheiligen
Schaffhausen, 1988
text in German. 11pp + 23 plates.
The State Museum-Preserve Peterhof. Playing cards: the collection of Alexander Perelman. New accessions 2000-02.
Abris Art, St. Petersburg / Peterhof, 2002 (Almanac Treasures of Russia, issue 59)
text in English. 120 pp. fully illustrated in colour
The Story of the Playing Card. Hand-out at Summer Exhibition 1985, University of Reading Library.
text in English. 12pp. illustrated.
La toma del cielo y de la tierra: Jean Verame, la collección de juegos del mundo y su obra
Diputación foral de Álava, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2003
text in Spanish, Basque and French. 79 pp. fully illustrated in colour
Autenboer, Eugeen van and Cremers, Filip
Turnhoutse Speelkarten. Catalogue of exhibition held in Turnhout 11th September-9th October 1983
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, 1983
text in Dutch.
(2) (5: Belgium)
Balan, E.-H., Börner, H., Radau, S., and Schlede, S.
Bube, Dame, König. Band 2: Alte Spielkarten aus Berliner Museums- und Privatsammulungen
BDK, Berlin, 2002 (Studien zur Spielkarten, 8)
text in German. 441 pp. many illustrations
Barbier, Agnès & Beuchet, Gwenael
Il était une fois B.-P. Grimaud maître cartier: un siècle de fabrication de cartes à jouer
Musée français de la Carte à jouer, Issy-les-Moulineaux, 1998
text in French. 32 pp., fully illustrated in colour
(2) (3)
Barbier, Agnes & Depaulis, Thierry
Un donateur – une collection. Cartes à jouer du XVIe au XXe siècle.
Musée municipal, Issy-les-Moulineaux, 1986
ISBN 2 905 060 03 4
text in French. 27pp (some illustrations)
Berti, Giordano & Vitali, Andrea (editors) et al.
Le Carte di Corte. I Tarocchi. Gioco e magia alla corte degli Estensi
Nuova Alfa Editoriale, Bologna,1987
ISBN 88 779 016 4
text in Italian. 234pp illustrated.
(2) (6: Tarot)
Blaas, Peter
“Welli & Co”: Spielkarten aus Alt-Tirol (1750-1900)
Talon, Vienna, 1998 (Sonderheft zu Talon N° 7)
text in German. 94 pp.
Blaas, Peter, & Stadler, Harald, & Krauland, Elfriede
Südspiel-Karten: Historische Spielkarten von 1570-1870 aus Alt-Österreich vom Südrand der Hochalpen: Südliches Alt-Tirol und Kärnten-Görz
Inform-Akademie Osttirol Lienz-Tammerburg, Lienz, 2003 (Nearchos Sonderheft 6/2003, & Talon, Sonderheft zur N° 12)
text in German. 80 pp. many b/w and colour illustrations
Büchler, Frieder, & Schultz, Klaus-Jürgen
Mit offenen Karten : alte Spielkarten aus dem Augustinermuseum in Freiburg und aus Privatsammlungen.
Privatdruck (self-published), Freiburg/Brisgau, 2004
text in German. 253 pp., 98 cat. nos. all illustrated in colour
(2) (5: Germany)
Cremers, Filip
Belasting is Troef
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, 1992
text in Dutch with summaries of last two chapters in English and French.
Cremers, Filip
Kaartenmakers in Wallonie / Cartiers en Wallonie
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1994
text in Dutch and French. 160pp. Fully illustrated.
(2) (5: Belgium)
Cremers, Filip
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1990
text in Dutch. 32pp. illustrated.
Cremers, Filip
Kunst in de Hand. Kaarten als Speelgoed en Kijkstuk
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1983
text in Dutch. 40pp. illustrated.
Cremers, Filip
Kurieuze Kaarten
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1980
text in Dutch. 33pp. illustrated.
Cremers, Filip
De passie van een verzamelaar. De collectie Robert van Gool.
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1993
text in Dutch and French. 36pp. illustrated.
Cremers, Filip
Politiek op de kaarttafel
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1992
text in Dutch. 72pp. illustrated.
Cremers, Filip
Speelkaarten en 150 Jaar Belgie
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1973
text in Dutch. 31pp. illustrated.
Cremers, Filip
Strip is Troef
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1981
text in Dutch. 62pp. illustrated.
Culin, Stewart
Chess and Playing Cards
The Smithsonian Institution, 1896
text in English.
Depaulis, Thierry
Les Cartes de la Révolution. Cartes à Jouer et Propagande.
Musée français de la Carte à jouer, Issy-les-Moulineaux, 1989
ISBN 2 905060 10 7
Catalogue of exhibition of French revolutionary cards, 17 November 1989-12 February 1990
text in French.
Depaulis, Thierry (Editor)
Tarot, Jeu et Magie.
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, 1984
ISBN 2 7177 1699 8
text in French.
(2) (6: Tarot)
Dietrich, Gudrun
Spielzeug / Spiel und Spielereien
Schallaburg, 1987
text in German.
Fiorin, Alberto & Pedrocco, Filippo,
Fante e Denari: sei secoli di giochi d’azzardo
Arsenale Editrice, Venice, 1989
ISBN 88 7743 045 1
text in Italian.
Eberhard, Balz
Les Cartiers Fribourgeois. Catalogue
Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Fribourg, Fribourg, 1987
text in French and German. 47pp unillustrated.
(2) (5: Switzerland)
Fluch, Hans-Norbert
Österreichisches Tarock im 19. Jhdt, Eroffnungsausstellung der Spielkarten sammlung Piatnik
Ferd. Piatnik & Sohne, Vienna, 1981
text in German. 20pp 4 plates.
Fournier, Felix Alfaro & Llano Gorostiza, Manuel
75 Aniversario del Museo Fournier
Heraclio Fournier S.A., Vitoria, 1991
text in Spanish. 21pp. illustrated.
Fundacion NatWest/Museo “Fournier” de Naipes de Alava with Mann, Sylvia
Naipes Britanicos y Su Influencia Internacional (catalogue of exhibition at the Fournier Museum, 1994)
Fundacion Natwest/Museo “Fournier” de Naipes de Alava, 1993
ISBN 84 7821 152 7
text in Spanish.
Hase, Martin von
Spielkarten aus aller Welt
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, 1968
text in German. Illustrated in b/w and colour.
Hedinger, Baerbel
Hamburgische Spielkarten. A catalogue of playing-cards produced in Hamburg.
Altonaer Museum, Hamburg, 1984
text in German. 71pp fully illustrated in b/w & colour.
Hoffmann, Detlef
Spielkartensammlung Piatnik, eine Auswahl
Ferd. Piatnik & Sohne, Vienna, 1970
text in German. 52pp (22 plates).
Hoffmann, Detlef & Margot Dietrich
Gemalte Spielkarten (exhibition catalogue)
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 1985
text in German. 50pp, illustrated.
Hoffmann, Detlef and Dietrich, Margot
Karten zum Zaubern. A catalog of cards for conjuring.
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 1979
ISBN 3 7765 0279 7
text in German. 212pp, profusely illustrated in b/w & colour.
Hoffmann, Detlef and Dietrich, Margot
Tarocke mit französischen Farben
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 1984
text in German.
(2) (6: Tarot)
Hoffmann, Detlef & Margot Dietrich
Tarot Tarock Tarocchi: Tarocke mit italienischen Farben
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 1988
ISBN 3 9801979 1 3
text in German. 228pp illustrated in b/w + 16 colour plates.
(2) (6: Tarot)
Hoffmann, Detlef and Dietrich, Margot
Jonas Verlag, Marburg, Germany, 1989
ISBN 3 9801979 2 1
text in German.
Hoffmann, Detlef and Kroppenstedt, Erika
Die Cotta’schen Spielkarten-Almanache 1805-1811
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Bielefeld, 1968
text in German.
(2) (7)
Hoffmann, Detlef and Kroppenstedt, Erika
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Bielefeld, 1972
text in German.
Janoska, Antal
Az Ordog Bibliaja (The Devil’s Bible)
Piatnik, Vienna, 1990
ISBN 963 7216 12 X; ISSN 0237 3637
text in Hungarian, summaries in English, German, French. 36pp. illustrated.
Janoska, Antal
Jatekkartyak Magyarorszagon / Spielkarten in Ungarn
Piatnik, Vienna, 1991
text in Hungarian and German. 32pp including 19 colour plates.
Jensen, K Frank
Bornenes Spillekort / Kinderspielkarten / Children’s Playing Cards
Ouroboros, Roskilde, 1986
ISBN 87 87976 07 2
text in Danish and English. Fully illustrated.
Kaplan, Stuart R.
Play your cards! The Stuart and Marilyn R. Kaplan Playing Card Collection
Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT, 1995
text in English. 96 pp., many colour illustrations
Kaschel, Wilfried
Bunte Blatter, die Viefalt der Spielkarten aus der Sammlung Kaschel
Self-published, Neubrandenburg, 1991
text in German. 12pp, illustrated.
Kohlmann, Theodor and Radau, Sigmar and Schlede, Stefan
Bube, Dame, Koenig
Museum fur Deutsche Volkskunde, Berlin, 1982
ISBN 3 88609 100 7
text in German.
Kopp, Peter F. and Eberhard, Balz et al.
Schweizer Spielkarten
Kunst Gewerbe Museum Zurich, 1978
text in German.
(2) (5: Switzerland)
Koreny, Fritz (Editor)
Spielkarten ihre Kunst und Geschichte in Mitteleuropa
Albertina, Vienna, 1974
text in German.
Leyden, Rudolf von
Ganjifa, the Playing Cards of India
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1982
ISBN 0 905 20917 6
text in English.
Lhôte, Jean-Marie (et al.)
Un rêve de collectionneur
Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, 1981
ISBN 2 901422 15 2
text in French. 44pp illustrated in colour.
Lhôte, Jean-Marie & Alain Borvo
Jeux de cartes et cartes à jouer
Mairie de Boulogne-Billancourt, Boulogne, 1981
text in French. 8pp. illustrated.
Mann, Sylvia
Alle Karten auf den Tisch/All Cards on the Table
Catalogue of exhibition at Leinfelden 5 October 1990-29 September 1991
Jonas Verlag, Marburg, Germany, 1990
ISBN 3 922561 98 5
Part 1: descriptions
Part 2: illustrations
text in English and German.
(1) (9)
[Mesuret, Robert]
La carte à jouer en Languedoc des origines à 1800
Musée Paul-Dupuy, Toulouse, 1971
text in French. 119 pp., 24 plates
Milano, Alberto
Carte da gioco Milanesi dal XVo al XXo sec. Storia, Fabbricanti, Curiosita
Il Meneghello, Milan & Il Solleone, Lissone (Mi), 1980
text in Italian. 37pp + 19 plates.
(2) (5: Italy)
Milano, Alberto
Carte Milanesi da gioco nell’Ottocento
Gianluigi Arcari editore, Mantua, 1978
text in Italian. 23pp + 21 plates
(2) (5: Italy)
Milano, Alberto (et al)
Come Giocavamo. Giochi e giocattoli, 1750/1960.
Alinari, Florence, 1984
ISBN 88 7292 021 3
text in Italian. Includes section on playing-cards.
Due secoli di Carte da Gioco a Trieste
Grafad, Trieste, 1989
text in Italian.
Milano, Alberto et al.
Non ti fidar di me se il cor ti manca. Due secoli di carte da Gioco a Trieste
Grafad, Trieste, 1989
text in Italian. 118pp, well illustrated
(2) (5: Italy)
Nicaise, Christian
Des cartes pour jouer
Bibliothèque municipale de Rouen, 1984
text in French. 160pp + 18 plates.
Pinder, Eberhard
Spielkarten aus fuenf Jahrhunderten
E. Gundlach, Bielefeld, 1953
text in German.
Prunner, Gernot
Ostasiatische Spielkarten
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Bielefeld, 1969
text in German.
(2) (5: China)
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart
Politiek op de Kaarttafel. Catalogue of exhibition held in Turnhout 24th April-23rd August 1992
text in Dutch.
Reisinger, Klaus
Spielkarten aus dem Biedermeier
Technisches Museum Wien, Vienna, 2000
text in German. 59 pp. fully illustrated in colour
Rijnen, A.A.M. et al.
In de kaart gekeken/European Playing cards from the 15th century to the present. Catalogue of exhibition 14th May-5th July 1976
Museum Willet-Holthoysen, 1976
text in Dutch with English summary.
Seguin, Jean-Pierre
Cinq siècles de cartes à jouer
Bibliothèque Nationale, Le Vieux Papier Fascicule 205, Paris, 1963
text in French. 43pp of entries, few illustrations.
Seguin, Jean-Pierre
Donation Camoin et Cie. Exposition du Tarot de Marseille.
Musée du Vieux-Marseille, Marseilles, 1974
text in French. Illustrated. Covers other cards as well as tarot.
Sénépart, Ingrid (editor) with texts by Joseph Billioud, Thierry Depaulis, Dominique Samanni, Jean-Pierre Seguin, Ingrid Sénépart, etc.
Cartes à jouer & tarots de Marseille: la donation Camoin. Collections du musée du Vieux-Marseille
Editions Alors Hors Du Temps/Musées de Marseille, Marseilles, 2004
ISBN 2-95179327-8
text in French. 201 pp., fully illustrated in colour
Svátek, Frantisek (with 2 pp on card backs by Zdenek Stáhlavski)
Hraci karty v Praze. Karty a kartari v Praze 16-20 stoleti. An exhibition of playing-cards produced by cardmakers from Prague.
Muzeum Hlavniho Mesta, Prahy, 1989
text in Czech, with summary in German.
Ulbrich, Katharina
Spielzeug-Spielkarten. Ausstellungskatalog im Gastezentrum Bad Hall 1988
Bad Hall, Austria, 1988
text in German. 55pp with photocopy illustrations.
Van Bost, Frans
Gentse volksprenten 17de-20ste eeuw: verzamelingen Museum voor Volkskunde en Frans Van Bost
Museum voor Volkskunde, Gent, 1996
text in Dutch. 31 pp. some b/w illustrations
(2) (5: Belgium)
Witzmann, Reingard
Tarockanische Spiele. Wiener Spielkarten und ihre Hersteller. 73.Sonderaustellung des Historischen Museums der Stadt Wien, im Otto-Wagner-Pavillon, Karlsplatz.
Museen der Stadt Wien, Vienna, 1981.
text in German. Folded sheet, illustrated, Ditha Moser tarot on reverse.