The International Playing-Card Society holds Conventions annually in the Autumn. The convention includes the annual general meeting (AGM), talks,  a trading session, an exhibition, a dinner, a local game tournament and often a live auction. The venue is usually being located in Europe or America. The last Conventions were

2009 Toronto (Canada)
2010 Lisbon (Portugal)
2011 Malmö (Sweden)
2012 Paris (France)
2013 La Tour-de-Peilz (Switzerland)
2014 Berlin (Germany)
2015 Turnhout (Belgium)
2016 Prague (Czech Republic)
2017 London (United Kingdom)
2018 Leinfelden-Echterdingen (Germany)
2019 Catana (Italy)

The 2020 Convention will take place in Madrid (Spain). Details of future meetings can be found on the Calendar page.

Auction in Turnhout (2015)