Bibliography – (3) Playing-card manufacturers and tax stamps

Altfahrt, Wolfgang
Wiener Kartenmacher des 19. Jahrhunderts. A list of cardmakers in Vienna and dates as taken from address books.
Bube, Dame, Koenig, Berlin, 1990
ISBN 3 9802443 0 X
text in German. Unillustrated
(3) (5: Austria)
Autenboer, Eugeen van
The Turnhout Playing Card Industry (1826-1976)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs etc, Brussels, 1976. Published as Memo from Belgium Nr 174 (later republished in hardback by Aurelia Books)
text in English (also issued in other languages). 152pp. Good illustrations.
Autenboer, Eugeen van & Cremers, Filip
Turnhout, of speelkaarten voor de wereld
Nationaal Museum van de Speelkaart, Turnhout, 1990
text in Dutch. 32pp. illustrated.
Berry, John
Taxation on playing cards in England from 1711 to 1960. (IPCS Papers No. 3)
IPCS, Colchester, 2001
text in English. vi, 87 pp.
(3) (5: England)
Biebouw, Luc, Clays, Alex, Cremers, Filip, D’hondt, Jan, & Smet, Yvette
De Brugse drukkerfamilie / Prestigieuse famille d’imprimeurs de Bruges / The printer’s family of Bruges : Daveluy, Brugge’s trots en koninkijke troef / prestige de Bruges & atout royal / Brugespride & a royal trump.
asbl Brussels Euro Joker Club vzw, Bruxelles, 2004
text in Dutch with summaries in French and English, 176 pp., many colour ill.
Booth, R.G.
A Catalogue of the Revenue Stamps of the U.K., Isle of Man, Channel Islands and Eire, Second Edition, Vol. 2(II)
Tim Clutterbuck & Co., Hexham, 1982)
ISBN 0 9505477 3 5
text in English.
Braun, Franz
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 1, Die Altenburger Kriegs-Spielkarten im 1. Weltkrieg
Braun, Cologne, 1988
text in German with synopses in English and French.
(3) (6: War cards)
Braun, Franz
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 2, Die Spielkarten in der DDR 1945-1988
Braun, Cologne, 1989, 2nd edition 2000.
text in German.
(3) (5: Germany)
Braun, Franz
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 3, Köln und seine Spielkarten-Hersteller
Braun, Cologne, 1990
text in Germany with synopses in English and French.
(3) (5: Germany)
Braun, Franz
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 4, Die Spielkartenfabrik B. Dondorf
Braun, Cologne, 1991
text in German.
(3) (5: Germany)
Braun, Franz
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 8: Die Altenburger und Stralsunder Spielkartenfabriken
Franz Braun, Cologne, 1997
text in German. 156 pp.
Braun, Franz
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 9: Spielkarten aus Nürnberg
Franz Braun, Cologne, 1999
text in German. 134 pp.
Cuello Martinell, María de los Ángeles
La renta de los naipes en Nueva España
Seville, 1966. Reprinted in La Sota, No. 28, March 2003, pp. iii-iv + 1-67
text in Spanish.
Brum-Antonioli, Ed.
Josef Maria Melchior Annen (1868-1954)
Self-published, Zollikon, 1992
text in German. 8pp + 4 colour plates & cover
Dietrich, Margot and Hoffmann, Detlef (Ed.)
Kartenmacherliste aus Altenburg.
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 1981
Facsimile of a handwritten list of cardmakers.
text in German.
(3) (5: Germany)
Denning, Trevor
Spanish Playing-Card Tax Stamps and their Dates
Self-published, Birmingham, 1986
text in English. 13pp.
(3) (5: Spain)
Depaulis, Thierry
Cartiers parisiens du XIXe siècle. Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée et considérablement augmentée
Cymbalum, Paris, 1998
ISBN 2-95085601-2
text in French. 63 pp.
Depaulis, Thierry
“Ma=EEtres cartiers strasbourgeois” in Le Vieux Papier, 1989
Offprint Paris, Le Vieux Papier, 1989
text in French, 27 pp.
Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis
Art du cartier
First published in series “Description des arts et metiers”, Paris, 1762
Reprinted in Les Arts du Papier, Slatkine Reprints, Geneva, 1984. (The only accurate description of 18th century card making in Paris.)
text in French. 38pp. 5 plates.
Eberhard, Balz
Les Cartiers Fribourgeois
Musee d’Art et d’Histoire de Fribourg, Fribourg, 1987
text in French. 38pp unillustrated
Ferro Torrelles, Victor
Los impuestos sobre los naipes
Self-published, Barcelona, n.d. [1996]
text in Spanish. 2 vols.
Ferro Torrelles, Victor, ed.
Registro de naiperías españolas 1380 2004
ASESCOIN, Alcorcón, [2005]
text in Spanish, 59 pp.
Ferro Torrelles, Victor
El estanco del naipe del Hospital general de Pamplona
Self-published, Barcelona, 1997
text in Spanish. 27 pp.
Goodall, Michael H.
British Playing Card Manufacture in the 19th Century
Self-published, Woking, 1993
ISBN 0 9520584 1 3
text in English.
Goodall, Michael H.
Goodall & Son’s Playing Cards: A Guide to Their Court cards, Aces and Jokers
Michael H. Goodall, 1993
ISBN 0 952 0584 0 5
text in English.
Hoffmann, Detlef and Dietrich, Margot
Die Dondorf’schen Luxus-Spielkarten
Harenberg, Dortmund, 1981
ISBN 3 88379 243 8
text in German.
Houseman, Lorna
The House That Thomas Built
Chatto & Windus, London, 1968
ISBN 7011 1343 X
text in English.
Iris Mundus (Salvador Tena Fuentes)
Second Register of Spanish Card-Makers from 1380 to 1993
Self-published, Barcelona, 1993
text in Spanish, Basque, French, English.
Jánoska, Antal
Card-makers in Hungary 18 – 20th Century
IPCS Papers No. 1, 1992
text in English.
(3) (5: Hungary)
Jánoska, Antal & Braun, Franz
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 5, Die Spielkartenfabrik Piatnik in Budapest unt ihre Nachfolger
Braun, Cologne, 1992
text in German.
(3) (5: Hungary)
Jensen, K Frank
Ruder Es. Om spillekortbeskatning i Danmark
Ouroboros, Roskilde, 1986
ISBN 87 87976 08 0
text in Danish with English summary.
Jensen, K Frank
The World of L. P. Holmblad
Self-published, Roskilde, 1993
text in English. 24pp, illustrated.
Jerremalm, Ali
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 6, Die Spielkarten in Schweden 1892-1992
Braun, Cologne, 1996
text in German.
(3) (5: Sweden)
Kaiser, John Boynton
British Playing Card Stamp Duties and Their Authorized Stamps with Checklists of Original Dies by Marcus Samuel and The Laws Relating to United States Playing Card Revenue Stamps, Their Purpose, Variety and Use. 1862-1883 and 1894-1960
The American Philatelic Society, 1960
text in English.
Knüpfer, Ulrich
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 16, Vom Baltikum zum Balkan. Spielkarten aus verschiedenen Ländern Europas
Braun, Cologne, 2004
text in German.
(3) (5: Eastern Europe)
Kohlmann, Theodor
Berliner Spielkarten
Museum fur Deutsche Volkskunde, Berlin, 1984
ISBN 3 924084 01 7
text in German. 132pp fully illustrated in b/w & colour.
Maignien, Edmond
Recherches sur les Cartiers et les Cartes à Jouer à Grenoble
Imprimerie Joseph Allier, Grenoble, 1887.
text in French.
Matthes, Gerd
Die Spielkartenstadt/Skatstadt ALTENBURG
E. Reinhold Verlag, 1993
ISBN 3 910166 08 3
text in German.
Pinchart, Alexandre
Recherches sur les cartes a jouer et sur leur fabrication en Belgique depuis l’annee 1379 jusqu’a la fin du XVIIIe siecle.
Archives Generales du Royaume, Brussels, 1993. (Anastatic facsimile of first edition, Brussels, 1870)
text in French. 53pp. Unillustrated.
Radau, Sigmar
Die Kartenmacher Familie Backofen in Nürnberg. (Studien zur Spielkarten, 5)
BDK, Berlin, 1997
text in German. 200 pp.
Ragg, Ernst R. et al.
150 Jahre Piatnik 1824-1974
Ferd. Piatnik & Sohne, Vienna, 1974
text in German. 62pp illustrated.
Reisinger, Klaus
Der österreichische Spielkarten-Steuerstempel und andere Mitteilungen
Self-published, Vienna, 1990
ISBN 3 9500 0250 2
text in German.
(3) (5: Austria)
Rosenfeld, Hellmut
Franz Graf Poccis Kartenspiel-Unikum (um 1840) und Hans Ferdinand Massmann
In “Antiquariat”, 1990/2, pp.33-40
text in German.
Ruh, Max & Muller, Johannes
In Schaffhauser Beitrage zur Geschichte, Band 58, pp.200-207
Schaffhausen, 1981
text in German.
Sahlberg, Irja
Abo Kortfabrik
Abo Stads Historika Museum Arsskrift 19, Abo, 1955
text in Swedish. 13pp. illustrated.
Schroer-Ilisch, Dieter
Schriftenreihe “Spielkarten”; Band 7: Die Bielfelder Spielkarten-Fabrik
Franz Braun, Cologne, 1998
text in German. 122 pp.
Tena Fuentes, Salvador
Testimoni Historic de Naipes Comas
Naipes Especialides Graficas, Barcelona, 1994
ISBN 84 604 8736 9
text in Catalan, Spanish, French and English.
Thorpe, John G.
The Playing Cards of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards
Stanley Gibbons Publications Ltd., London, 1980
ISBN 0 85259 301 5
text in English.
Thorpe, John G.
The Playing Cards of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards. Revised 2nd edition
InterCol, London, 1991
ISBN 0 85259 301 5
text in English.
Thorpe, John G. & Goodall, Michael H.
Early London cardmakers, marks & apprentices 1560-1760
Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards, London, 2001
text in English. 76 pp.
(3) (5: England)
Vervoort, Robert
Lijst van Speelkaartenmakers
Self-published, Antwerp, 1990
text (names of countries only) in Dutch.
Wacha, Georg
Vier Farben Glück. Kartenmaler in Oberösterreich
Rudolf Trauner Verlag, Linz, 1969
text in German. 38pp (illustrated).
Lists cardmakers in Freistadt, Linz, Ried im Innkreis, Steyr, Wels.
(3) (5: Austria) (6: Tarot)
Weberpals, Karl, and Bürger, Werner
Spielkarten und “cartenmacher” in Ansbach. (Studien zur Spielkarten, 7)
BDK, Berlin, 2001
text in German. 130 pp.
(3) (5: Germany)